Aeotec Smart Home Hub/2018/2015 Model Hub Firmware Release Notes - 0.56.9

Hub Release 0.56.9

We will begin rolling out Samsung SmartThings Hub firmware version 0.56.9 starting on 13-March-2025. Once downloaded, your Hub will briefly go offline as it reboots and applies the update; most customers will experience less than one minute of downtime. We will update the status page when the release is complete.

Hub Target:

  • Samsung SmartThings Hub 2015 (Hub v2)
  • Samsung SmartThings Hub 2018 (Hub v3)
  • Aeotec Smart Home Hub

Release Date: 13-March-2025 through 28-March-2025

Note that this release will be spread out over the course of multiple weeks, so you may not see your Hub update on the first day of the release period. This release period is an estimate, so the rate of hubs updated and final completion date may vary slightly within the timeframe. Please check the status page for more up to date information on this release.

  • Reduce popcorning when controlling multiple Zigbee lights at once by using Zigbee groups
    • Popcorning refers to when controlling a group of lights at once there is sometimes a visible delay before individual lights respond
    • This feature will be slowly rolled out after the release so you may not notice immediate changes
    • Used when controlling multiple Zigbee lights/switches/outlets from a routine that runs locally on the hub
      • Not currently used when controlling from a routine that runs in the cloud
    • Used when controlling a Lighting Device Group consisting of multiple Zigbee lights/switches/outlets from a routine or using the SmartThings app
  • Upgrade to the Matter 1.4 SDK
  • Performance improvements with onboarding of Matter Bridges
  • Fix issue causing Schlage locks to frequently fall offline. Affected models include:
    • FE599
    • BE369
  • Fix issue preventing some Sinope thermostats from joining

Edge Drivers

  • Cosock has been updated to return a handle when calling spawn that can be used to check if the coroutine is running or cancel a coroutine (note canceling a coroutine can only be done from a different coroutine)
  • Combine multiple commands coming from the same source going to the same driver to reduce messaging overhead.
  • Add support in default handlers for Zigbee power meter devices changing their ACPowerDivisor attribute
  • Fix edge case that could cause drivers to be unnecessarily restarted when the hub is under heavy load
  • Reduce duplicate messages from drivers to improve the responsiveness of important messages
  • Fix the edge case that is causing occasional failures when configuring Zigbee devices.
  • Matter 1.4 device type support
    • Mounted On/Off Control
    • Mounted Dimmable Load Control
    • Water Heater
    • Solar Power
    • Battery Storage
    • Heat Pump

@Itati @nayelyz As I have posted before and received no acknowledgement, please make sure the hub does not go offline during the day as matter devices take a long time to come back online and are therefore unresponsive, this particularly applies to matter door locks.

For me that’s a reason to prefer firmware updates during daylight hours.


Good to see this, suffering problems on lights turning on/off when activating a single wall switch equipped with Zigbee sonoff switches. Hope this works.

Is the popcorning just being addressed for Zigbee or will Zwave also benefit?

Will Thread be update to 1.4 and add the possibility to join on other Thread networks? Or it’s independent from Matter?

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Zigbee offers groupcasting on an individual message basis, which makes this a pretty easy fix for that protocol.

Zwave only offers groupcasting through direct association, which is not a good match to the SmartThings architecture, so I don’t expect to see it applied for this kind of use case. It definitely wouldn’t fit routines.

For me, I’d like to see the ability to defer updates until whatever time is convenient for me. But I’ve been asking for that for 10 years now. :man_shrugging:t2:


Wouldn’t THAT be nice!


I know my issue is very different than most peoples. Because I am quadriparetic and have very limited hand function, I can’t just pop the batteries in a sensor to reset it by myself. Or do most of the other simple stuff that gets recommended if things get glitchy after an update

Only one of my home health aides is technology proficient, and he’s only here on Tuesdays usually.

So I would really like to defer any hub updates until Tuesdays. Otherwise, it could be almost a week before I get things back in order.

Again, I know that’s not an issue for most people, but I do think many people would like to be able to schedule the update at their own convenience, even if it’s just over the course of one week.


Today, while watching TV, my Samsung Q990D soundbar just turned off and wouldn’t respond to the remote. The SmartThings app shows everything, all 3 of my Samsung devices, offline. My WiFi works fine. I looked to see if there was an outage and nothing shows that. I did notice that they updated the hub at the same exact time as my devices and app quit working. I did everything that I knew to do so decided to reach out to their customer unsupport. Anyway, after being on with their tech unsupport, via text and phone calls, 2.5 hours later, they divulged that they are aware the latest update to their SmartThings hub has crashed a lot of people’s soundbars. They’ve been inundated with phone calls and emails about this issue. I asked them why they kept me in the text and phone so long when they knew what the issue was. Crickets!


Reminding you my message from previous hub updates:

Two problems are still missing:

  1. increase the transition of oflline time, so we won’t receive false offline states from zigbee devices that works on battery, that didn’t report status within 2 hours. I prefer 10 hours.
  2. Bring back HTML in custom capabilities edge driver to app as requested by @w35l3y here:[Feature Request] Allowing HTML in Custom Capabilities

App update (not hub). Please allow to choose language of the app. So, mobile phone can be 1st language and app will be other language.


Just a note: the sound bar firmware is a totally separate issue and is not related to the hub firmware updates for the V2/V3/Aeotec hub posted about in this thread.


Anyone received 56.9 yet?

Four Hubs and Nothing So Far :slight_smile:

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I have not

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No updates. 2 - v2 and 2 Stations.

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Yes, one of my V3 hubs has been updated this afternoon (about 16:50 UTC).


Yes. V2 hub this afternoon. UK based.

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One of my v2 hubs just updated to 56.09

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