I’m having problems with the Shellys It takes a very long time until a change is made and currently they are not even available.
Hi, @Mario3
Are you part of the Beta group? The change to fix an issue that might be related to the Shelly devices not responding will be fixed for the Beta Group soon, but for the rest, we need to be pending on the https://status.smartthings.com/ page to know when it will be rolled out.
Above was in reference to Beta v0.54.13.
But based upon below, it appears the Beta version has been folded into the Release v0.53.13 which is now being released!
For clarity, the Original Post referenced v0.54.10, then changed to v0.54.12, and has now been changed to Firmware v0.54.13
My V2 Hub recieved Firmware v0.54.13 about an hour ago, and rebooted. A significant number of devices went offline for quite some time, but have slowly been coming back online (which is the only reason I knew an update had occurred). Only 2 remaining contact sensors still offline about 70 minutes after the update.
Edit: Took about 6 hours, but all devices seem to be back online now.
Have not received either app update, could this be why I still can’t share Aqara U200 lock from SmartThings to Homekit? I’ve tried all the methods on other forums.
Atualização recebi, até o momento não tive problemas na operação e execução de tarefas.
I received the update, so far I have had no problems with the operation and execution of tasks.
For the past few days I have been having zigbee devices go offline, mostly ecolink contact sensors and samsung motion sensors, and delayed execution of some local routines.
@alissa.dornbos and @SmartThings ,
This release has generated more zigbee offline devices, as well as increased battery consumption on varying zigbee devices, such as contact sensors, leak sensors (especially bad), and motion sensors. The beta wasn’t much better either, and it seems as though reports from that didn’t get resolved before going production with this firmware release. Unfortunately i just don’t have the time to waste anymore to document and report these incidents. Very frustrating.
It is very unfortunate that users are expected to replace a good QA Department these days. It isn’t just Samsung SmartThings, but an awful lot of companies are doing this to “save costs” or “save time” at the expense of bad will. A good example eveyone faces are the apps on one’s phone: fix one thing or add a feature–and a dozen other things break. I feel your pain.
Edit: in all fairness, often Marketing says, “Ship it!” regardless of current testing state. That, too, is unfortunate, as it causes a decline in the satisfaction of users of whatever product that company ships.
I got the firmware update, for my Aeotec Smart Home Hub, on the 17th, so near the end of the window. Fortunately, no known problems for me thus far, so I’m mostly just happy for the continued support and hope that I’ll have a smooth transition when I start acquiring Matter devices. I’m sorry to hear that some are having a less smooth experience, though.
and the same question for the Zigbee / Thread dongle for a 2022 Samsung TV… when will this get updated?
So one my 2022 Samsung TVs (a Frame TV) with a dongle was updated last night, thought still waiting on the other 2022 TV with a dongle.
Also, read an article that 2002 Samsung TVs will get updated to Tizen 8.0 from November…
Now I have 3 versions and I don’t know when the older ones will be updated including the Dongles, 000.052.00021, 000.053.00020, 000.054.00013
Exact same experience @M_J My remote Schlage FE599 lock has been falling on and offline for weeks after this hub update for my v2 hub was updated. Tried all the usual attempts of excluding/reading the lock, repairing zwave network, and updating WiFi settings to no avail. The lock immediately comes back online as soon as I initiate a remote reboot of my hub through the advanced user interface which seems to indicate something is crashing/timing out on the hub itself, Particularly since the lock itself has been flawless for several years of operation now.
SmartThings support has been engaged, but issue appears exactly the same as several other others were all experiencing the same issue subsequent to this hub update. Thanks to JD for rolling these up under the following thread:
My ST Family Hub with Zigbee/Thread dongle updated to 54.13 and I have observed that:
- I can no longer get Thread status info in the AWA. I just get a spinning circle
- The second endpoint/outlet on my Eve Energy duplex outlets shows offline
- All my other online Thread devices are non-responsive
did you attempt to reboot the family hub to see if that has any effect?
Yup… not my first rodeo
Hi, @h0ckeysk8er
Can you provide more details about this point, please?
- A screenshot of the device’s details so we can see what you see.
- Is this a Thread device?
Also, about the issue with Thread, I shared your comment with the engineering team and they are asking for this info:
- Do you remember when you started to see this error?
- I see you have only one Zigbee device, correct? Is it working correctly?
Yes, it’s the Matter over Thread Eve Energy dual-switched outlet. The second outlet/endpoint is identified as type EDGE_CHILD.
Supported NW Interfaces THREAD
Endpoints [{"endpointId":0x00,"deviceTypes":[{"deviceTypeId":0x16}]},{"endpointId":0x01,"deviceTypes":[{"deviceTypeId":0x10A}]},{"endpointId":0x02,"deviceTypes":[{"deviceTypeId":0x10A}]}]
I only noticed it yesterday when the hub went offline (which I presume when it was updating). Those second outlets on my two Eve Energy units didn’t come back online. Today is when I found out that the other Thread devices I have are non-responsive even though they are online.
The Zigbee device is associated with my ST Wi-Fi hub not the Family Hub (and it’s complicated because it’s not really my device but my neighbor’s Zigbee can light hooked up to a standard switch so it’s online sometimes and sometimes not. Long story on why it’s there and why I can’t seem to get rid of it).