You can try to use the Z-wave Explorer driver to see the route your device is using.
EDIT: Now that html can’t be used to display data on the device detail page you will need to go to the “API Browser+” to actually see the routing details after switching to this driver.
My z-wave explorer driver will show the route that ST has stored for the device. That driver should be in the channel below. I’m not up to speed on what ST does to your automations when you swap drivers - I think they get disabled but I could be wrong on that.
NOTICE!!: SmartThings has now released its own equivalent of this app here , so you may prefer to use that instead.
I have a browser-based web app that provides a point-and-click way to explore most of the SmartThings API. For the non-technical, this gives you access to an important SmartThings resource without having to learn tools like Postman, curl, or the CLI. You don’t even need a computer: a tablet or even smartphone can be used. For the more technically inclined, it provides much faster and more convenient access to those commonly-accessed CLI commands. Although I originally thought of it as a portal for the non-technical, I’ve actually found it quite useful to use during my own development activities.
This is not intended as a replacement or ‘competitor’ to the CLI, mysmart…
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