ADT Sensors will not update status in Android App

I have the Smartthings ADT hub, with 5 ADT door sensors, several GE switches, Iris garage door opener and a RGB bulb connected. About 3 or four days ago I noticed the Android app would not show the correct status of the ADT sensors. It just says closed. The hub, though, dings when the doors are opened and correctly recognizes the status. I tried to reset one ADT sensor without success. I removed it and it now cannot be added back in. The other non ADT devices work correctly and their status is correct in the app. Any ideas with why the ADT sensors dont show correct status and can’t be rejoined. I am new to the Smartthings arena.

I would contact smartthings support for assistance with this.

Probably a good idea. Thought I would post here as well. Maybe somebody else had the problem also. Thank you.