Hi, I’m trying to adapt this device handler to control my Onkyo receiver with smartthings. SmartThings/onkyoIP.groovy at master · allanak/SmartThings · GitHub
I think it has been made for the classic smartthings app. I can call the commands inside the simulator but they don’t show up inside the application as actions on the device to add in routines.
I tried to add the Media Controller capability and use the StartActivity command but it doesn’t work either (maybe because it is only proposed and not active). I also tried to add the Execute capability and it didn’t show up either.
What would be the best way to expose those commands to be able to use them in routines? Thank you.
It is a DTH very much rooted in the Classic/legacy ecosystem that needs adapting to work in the new/current one. As well as using custom commands which are not supported in the current ecosystem, which were never really encouraged and always needed bespoke handling even in the legacy one, it uses a long deprecated capability in Music Player. Plenty of deprecated
capabilities are still in use but you won’t find the mobile apps making any attempt to support them. On the other hand you may get joy with many proposed
ones as they’ve often been in live use in stock devices for years.
It may be that rather than Media Controller you need to be looking at the other Media capabilities to see where they get you.
It is certainly the right approach, but bear in mind Groovy device handlers are only going to be around short term (how short that is remains unclear).
All I really need is a capability from which I can call a method and pass a parameter. I’m not going to use the ui of the device, I want to trigger commands from a switch with a routine. If anyone can point me an example of another DH doing the same thing maybe I can start from there.
It’s like yall are reading my mind. I’ve been looking for something new and updated for a week now. I’m a developer so I could probably do it but I think I’m more in the camp of waiting for any new Lua resources or just using a switchbot hub as an IR device. You can literally teach it any command from your remote. The only thing is it doesn’t get current device statuses, it would be comparable to like a Harmony Hub but just IR.
Also. Has anyone tried to just use some kind of zwave relay and solder some stuff on the main board to access this via smartthings? I’m not an electrician but I could play with that if someone could point me in the right direction of a relay I could use to communicate directly with the device. I have a TX-NR525 that does connect to ethernet. So there’s gotta be a way to tap into it.
I also tried using the new api to create a direct connected device with this Get Started with Direct Connected Devices | SmartThings Developers without success. I get stuck when adding the device at the connection screen. Any idea where I can find a detailed tutorial about adding a lan device? I don’t find the official documentation very straightforward.
What you’re trying to do would fall under Hub Connected Devices. Creating one of those would require rewriting the Groovy DTH in Lua as an Edge Driver.
Thanks for the advice, I’ll try that.
How is it going? If you need a Beta tester I have my Onkyo connected to my network with Ethernet and Smarttghings… I’m just not a programmer
@Guillaume_Belzile you should find this useful, it supposedly has the complete Onkyo command library: GitHub - miracle2k/onkyo-eiscp: Control Onkyo A/V receivers over the network; usuable as a script, or as a Python library.
Let me know if I can help in any way
Hi, I couldn’t make the Groovy driver to work the way I wanted to. I started to make a Lua driver but they have issues with the Samsung wifi hub so I m waiting for the smartthings team to fix that before I go back to this project. I’ll post an update here if I manage to make it work.
Any luck getting the support from Smartthings?
It is good to see the edge drivers taking shape. I have home assistant setup for most of my needs now but this makes me happy that this wasn’t lost in the abyss.
Amazing stuff Philh! Exactly what I was looking for!