You need see next page to see others 5 attributes
When I added these thermostats I only added them to the driver and stelpro subdrivers of the stock driver.
Nobody told me that the operating heating or off state didn’t work, I’ll see how the subdriver handles it if you send me the CLI logs to see device messages
In any case it should be Stelopro who fixes it although it seems that these thermostats are discontinued in production.
the heating mode with fan or baseboard heater is something customized by stelpro and it is not possible to work in smartthings if stelpro does not expose and publish which cluster and custom attribute uses to handle it.
If you have a MaestroStat model thermostat then it should work with the stock driver and it would be smartthinhs who will fix it if it doesn’t work.
- id: "Stelpro/MaestroStat"
deviceLabel: Stelpro Thermostat
manufacturer: Stelpro
model: MaestroStat
deviceProfileName: thermostat-stelpro-profile
Try installing this driver version or wait 12 hour to auto update it.
Then re-install your device with this driver version to device reconfigure
Name Zigbee Thermostat Mc
Version 2024-12-18T20:34:13.044402479