18.528% off ActionTiles License through Thurs 5/31. Coupon: MD18ST-18p

Remembering and Celebrating with Red, White, and Blue! :us:

… and 18.528% Off w/COUPON CODE: MD18ST-18p

Apply to Cart before Checkout. Valid through May 31st. Limit 2 per household.


Trial Periods Reset / Extended through June 5th!

All trial-periods have been RESET through June 5th so you can explore the new Theme Builder!

Enjoy importing my “Old Glory” red, white and blues theme:

"accent-tile-background-color": "white",
"accent-tile-content-color": "red",
"accent-tile-footer-color": "#3675C4",
"accent-tile-header-color": "navy",
"info-tile-background-color": "#25399A",
"info-tile-content-color": "skyblue",
"info-tile-footer-color": "white",
"info-tile-header-color": "white",
"normal-tile-background-color": "#021B44",
"normal-tile-content-color": "#20F3FF",
"normal-tile-footer-color": "white",
"normal-tile-header-color": "white",
"panel-background-color": "#657FAD",
"tileset-header-color": "navy",
"warn-tile-background-color": "#C3090A",
"warn-tile-content-color": "#E9E9E9",
"warn-tile-footer-color": "white",
"warn-tile-header-color": "white"

Thanks got my license today the trail worked out great and have a few dashboards running. This will allow me to repurpose some really old and cheap android tablets.

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is there way to use paypal or everything has to be processed thru Stripe?

Please contact Support@ActionTiles.com if there’s any problems or questions about Payments, etc… Thanks!

Reason I’m asking is because i’m LAZY to find my card type my info and also share my card with another company. But mostly because I’m LAZY. Dealing with your tier1 support is beyond my capabilities .
Simple yes or no answer is good for me.