I should take my own advice and look at the conformance statement first.
This is a very cool device, with both primary and secondary controller functionality for locks, which probably accounts for the high price. It’s using several newest generation features.
For example, It turns out that the Popp keypad is using central scene commandsets, which is really interesting. But it also means the BEnext keypad DTH probably isn’t going to be much help.
Instead, you probably want to take a look at the popp wall controller which is intended for controlling lights but which also uses central scene commands.
But the popp keypad also has some lock aspects to it.
@rboy may want to take a look at it to see if he wants to add it to his lock management suite. (He charges a small license fee for his code, but much of it is quite popular as it includes features not included in the free versions.). I’m not sure how much he does with Europe – only devices. But if he’s not going to add one to his own libraries he may have some advice on it.