I’m trying to write a device handler for the new Iris motion sensor. It’s a little unique compared to previous models since it supports humidity. So i’ve taken the SmartSense Motion handler, added my fingerprint and spliced in the humidity bits from the SmartSense Temp/Humidity handler. But alas, i’m not getting and humidity reports. Can someone checkout my code and see what the issue may be?
cluster: 0001 & attrId: 0020 is battery voltage in units of 100mV
So that’s saying the voltage is 3.0V (value: 1e = 30).
Perhaps if you breathe on the sensor it might encourage it to produce a humidity report, if it’s programmed to only send reports when there’s an X% change in RH. That’s a trick that works for me with Xiaomi / Aqara Temp/Humidity sensors.
i was just reading the classic documentation (imagine that!) and tried it and it worked! for the refresh at least. Will get it through a configure when i get home. Thanks! Now wishing I would have picked up more of these when they were $13.50 on black friday…