Z-Wave Network Repair / Routes

Hey All,

I just wanted to say that I appreciate the feedback. There are clearly areas that we need to improve and help.

Currently, the Z-Wave routes are refreshed every 24 hours, or when a device is added or removed. We are going to also refresh the routes once a network repair is completed (That will be available in 0.31.X).

We are also looking at providing the transmission error rate in 0.32.X release.

Honestly, it is very difficult to debug many of these issues that you guys report without being present in the environment to debug the over the air network traffic. But our team is here to help.

@aruffell I noticed that you have some Z-Wave S2 devices (networkSecurityLevel marked as “ZWAVE_S2_FAILED”) that you have not connected with using S2 security, so I have gone ahead and enabled Z-Wave S2 for your account. Please go ahead, exclude them and re-include them again. S2 will not only add enhanced security but also reduce network traffic for communication with those devices. We are currently in the progress of rolling out the functionality, about 20-40% of our users have S2 enabled (The complete roll out will be completed by two weeks hopefully).