Anyone have any idea how this works?
Sorry, must be one of the other Vlads.
It works just like most of the other curtain controllers like dooya. This one says it can handle up to 50 kg of pull
The product specs at gearbest are incorrect (I am shocked, I tell you, shocked! ) , but based on some of the unboxing videos available out there it should say 13 W, not 3500.
The following video gives you a good look at it:
Note that like all the aqara products it is intended to be used with their own Gateway. Performance with smartthings could be flaky and it will need custom code.
I don’t know if @a4refillpad has heard anything about this yet.
LooKs like someone has experience
I hope this works well with ST so look forward to hearing more from folks that have installed and used it with ST.
I just received one in the mail (it’s 7am Monday here in sunny Brisbane, Australia). It comes with bare wires on the end so I have to get a plug to wire it up. Won’t get a chance to do this until at least Friday. Will report back once I’ve had a go. Friday cannot come fast enough!
As discussed in other thread:
Hi @PabloGux. I managed to get my curtain motor wired up sooner than expected. As you say in your post it is very easy to pair and get working with SmartThings. Like you, I’m waiting for the rail to arrive so that I can test it fully. I note in the video that you posted that the motor rotates one way when you tap the switch on your phone and then reverses and rotates the other way when you tap the switch again. I’m seeing the same results with the motor that I have set up. Have you found a way to make it stop when you tap the switch?
I haven’t. However, as noted in the video posted by JDRoberts, I assume that you need to teach the motor the requiered movement by fully closing the curtain and fully opening the curtain on its track for the motor to learn the rotation needed before coming to a stop. Unfortunately I have not yet recieved my curtain track!
I also noted that the rotation automatically stops after some time, suggesting that this is something that you can configure in the motor as noted in the video.
What kind of rail is that? Can you post an amazon link or something? Thanks!
I purchased the DT-82 curtain track through Aliexpress since Amazon is not delivering to my home (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Thanks @PabloGux . You must be the one who left positive feedback there 2 days ago… So you basically ordered the track from Ali with IR/RF remote motor and you are swapping the motor with Xiaomi zigebee motor - Is my understanding correct? Is this setup working well?
Nope. I only purchased a DT-82 curtain track from that seller. Haven’t received it yet though.
Hi @jg506 I purchased this one from Ali
Just the rail (250cm). I purchased the motor from Gear Best (their price is better than Ali):
Ordered them on the same day. Got the motor two days ago and the tracking on the rail says it has “arrived in destination country” (I’m in Australia).
My rail arrived yesterday! Had a bit of mucking around assembling it and took me a while to figure out how to work the lock/unlock mechanism on the motor so I could attach it to the rail. All assembled and attached now. Seems to work well with just one problem. The curtain will fully close and the motor will stop at that point. Not sure that it actually “remembers” the position but rather just senses resistance and it is the resistance that triggers it to stop. I cannot get it to open fully though - only opens about halfway. I only had literally 5 minutes to play around with it though so I haven’t had a chance to figure out if the rail is getting stuck at the halfway point of if the motor is stopping at that point for some reason. Will have more time tomorrow to play around. I’ll report back after that.
All up and running and working well. I had to muck around with the rail to get it gliding properly but once done it worked fine. I’m using the generic Zigbee Switch device handler. The only thing that I don’t like is that the curtains either fully open or fully close. Makes sense since I’m using a generic switch DH so there is no way to stop the curtain when it is partially open. “Flipping” the switch causes the curtain motor to spin in one direction and then flipping the switch back causes it to spin in the opposite direction. I’m not sure if the motor even supports a command to simply stop.
Nice update that it is working well so far. Hope there will be DTH developed to allow for custom stops for the curtain positions rather full open/close. I’ve got a 10ft window that could benefit from automated curtains only if it can do preset partial stops.
if you use the Zigbee Dimmer device type does setting it at 50% move the curtain half way?
Hi @Automated_House. Sorry, I only just saw your message now. I tried changing the device to a Zigbee Dimmer but only the on/off function works. Adjusting the brightness does not trigger the curtain motor - even setting it to 100% or 0%.