Wrong Device Type identifed for SmartThings 2015 outlets?

I have 4 SmartThings power outlets. They connect fine. However, under graph-api and device listing they are having device type as Iris Smart Plug. I remember they used to be listed before under more like Samsung or SmartThings xxxx name. This happened after I had to reset my hub and effectively forced to re-attach everything.

Is this fine or it’ll be better if I switch to an alternative device type - if so what it should be?

Using the Iris Smart Plug DTH will force it to run in the cloud. Using the Smartthings DTH will allow it to run local.

You should switch it to the smartsense power outlet device type. I’m guessing you have a community iris device handler installed and the fingerprints in it are also picking up the SmartThings outlets.

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Thank you! Under Device type - I don’t see SmartSense Power Outlet but see SmartPower Outlet and SmartPower Outlet V1. Which one I should use please?

ah, that’s it. try “SmartPower Outlet” first.

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As @Automated_House, use what he said. The V1 doesn’t have power monitoring in it. I was just looking at that DTH last night.

Thanks. All working now.

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