Weekly Update from Alex - 05/19/16

Since there are already literally about 17 different threads in the forums discussing geopresence and various methods and devices, could you take the GPS conversations to one of those? We’re getting pretty far off topic here. Thanks. :sunglasses:

Since way back when this started we were discussing the company’s renewed commitment to “the basics,” I think we can all agree that it would be good from the basic standpoint if a functionality that is featured in the SmartThings marketing, like Geopresence, worked reliably with the officially supported devices/methods for at least 90% of the customers who tried it. (“Reliably” in this case means 99 days out of 100 with no failures.)

Discussions of why an individual customer might not experience that level of reliability at present, or what to do about it, or any historical experiences, good or bad, would belong in a different thread.

The following is a good active thread on presence issues, but there are several others as well: