Have you looked at this?
I’m using this device to monitor my washer and dryer and it works great. The only issue I ran into was that the sun shines directly on those machines in the afternoon and it was setting off the sensors, but putting a piece of electrical tape over them solved that problem.
Here’s the forum topic for the sensor:
I won’t converting this DTH into an Edge Driver so it will stop working once the Groovy platform is retired.
This is a DTH for the HomeSeer Flex Sensor (HS-FS100-L Light Sensor and HS-FS100-W Water Sensor )
The HomeSeer Flex Sensor is a temperature sensor that allows you to attach either a light indicator sensor or a water sensor. In order for some features to work you have to set the Attached Sensor Type in the settings to the correct type.
The handler supports the “Tone” capability which has a “beep” command, but the device has to be running on USB power in order for it to work.
Included as USB Powered Device
If you join the device with the USB Power cable connected the device will act as a mains powered device so you won’t be able to get the battery level. When the device is…