I am using manythings with IFTTT and through a virtual switch in smartthings. I have it attached to the Hello home and goodbye home scripts to turn on and off the cameras when people come and go. I also jailbroke both devices so i could run Background Manager (Cydia) to force a clock app and manythings to run at the same time. Then I turned on guided access so no one could exit the clock app w/o a passcode. I have a “old” iPhone 4s and iPod touch i’m doing this with. The motion detection seams to be a bit sensitive and there is some lag between IFTTT and smartthings, but slightly too much video is way better than not enough
Next year I’ll be adding my iPad 2g into the mix but instead of a clock app I’ll be using air display and geek tool to turn it into a weather station. I Love recycling/reusing “old” iOS hardware.