Updated: Device Name instead of an Icon, here's how I did it

Shake it is why we all luv ST so much… I am now bored with the Taylor Swift joke. :wink: I think shake it should be a permanent feature in ST app. Rather should be the Smartrhing logo and Taylor Swift should be the spokesperson for ST… It will sell as hot cakes! Wish I was in ST marketing. :wink:

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I am sharing my icons and the Photoshop template that I used to create them here on my website. Feel free to check them out…

Here’s what they now look like - updated from above

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THANK YOU SO MUCH . . . What a fantastic little hack for icons this is, it should 110% be integrated as an option further down the line by SmartThings :smiley:

As a graphic designer i had to make this perfect for my situations but still on theme with ST’s current stuff or it would bug my OCD nature, so i wanted it to still appear as icons . . . but just my own versions that represent my personal products as a pose to something generic to help me identify them . . .

I then noticed that when the ST ICONS were clicks they changed colour so to speak to be darker over green which made me realize the icons wernt a flat colour they had dropped opacity . . .

So if you want to match the styling of ST ICONS with your own custom images, then here is the stats and a little diagram to explain what i mean . . .

All the ST ICONS are actually “BLACK” but the opacity is “30%” making them appear the mid grey they appear over white background, but then the darker green once over the green background . . . as illustrated in the attached image of the custom icon i made for the light in my Jellyfish Aquarium :smiley:

So remember: BLACK / 30% OPACITY saved as a “.PNG” (with a transparent background)

glad i could share this back with you also to hopefully help others,
yet again great hack guys . . . Thank you.


Helpful hint, thanks!.. But I really want to see your… Jellyfish Device!?

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I’d be afraid to see what development and support would be like after paying TS :scream:

and how many $99 boxes would need to be sold just to break even?

How about some dough from her as we are all promoting her “shake it off” on iOS ST app. :wink:


Thats another project im working on, the icon you see is just for the lighting strip inside i tweaked with a Dresden FLS-PP lp :smile:

(as shown here)

however if your interested in aquarium monitoring within smartthings, check out our upcoming project: SmartThings + SenEye (Aquarium Monitoring)

cheers, kyle


With the platform/app updates it appears this method doesn’t work for new devices as there is now an “Update Icon” and “Device Image” preference and the Icon overrides the device image you choose with no option to select a custom icon. All of my previous devices still show the device images I had though. Granted now you can see the device names, I still would like to have my own images with the device names :smile: