Unlock door after arrival?

Which applet do I use in IFTTT so that I can unlock the door when my phone connects to my wifi?
Is there a better way to unlock door using smartthings? I don’t Which applet do I use in IFTTT so that I can unlock the door when my phone connects to my wifi?
Is there a better way to unlock door using smartthings? I don’t want to buy any presence sensors. to buy any presence sensors.

You can use your phone as a presence sensor and use geofencing in ST to say when you have arrived.

This can be set up in a Routine such as “I’m Back”.

I use webCoRE.

If presence changes to present
Then using Lock

I did as rontally suggested for awhile but I decided I would rather not have my doors unlocked automatically. We use our phones as presence sensors and it works great most of the time. There has been a few occasions where the phone would lose connection and ST would show us as away and then after awhile come back. This initiated the I’m home routine and unlocked the door and opened the garage. There are things I could do to stop that, but I just decided I would rather unlock doors manually.

In the I’m back routine I should set it to activate if someone arrives and select my phone. Is that it? This is not working.