Unleash the Power of SmartThings with Advanced Automations Using Node-Red

The one you linked to is a Moes hub which can act as a “matter bridge” to bring some devices connected to it into SmartThings. But it is NOT a “SmartThings hub” and it cannot run SmartThings platform edge drivers.

The current standalone SmartThings hubs which can run edge drivers are the Aeotec V3 model

Or the “SmartThings station“ from Samsung. I’m not sure where you would buy that one in Europe. :thinking:

Note that if you want to use any matter devices, including the Moes hub that you bought to use as a matter bridge, you must also have a SmartThings hub.

See the following FAQ:

FAQ: What do I need to add a Matter device to the SmartThings app? Do I need a bridge router device?

So as far as the Moes hub that you bought, you could connect some Tuya Zigbee devices to it and then add the Moes hub via matter to your SmartThings account and it would bring in some of those devices so you could use them in the SmartThings app. But you will have to also have a SmartThings hub to do that. :man_shrugging:t2: