Create a SmartThings Routine which calls the Advanced Automation.
Like this, using the device created by TAustin’s driver. I’ve called mine Automation Gateway.
And replace with your_Raspberry_Pi_IP_address
Execute the Automation
Manually run it from the ST App’s Routines page and you should see a message appear in the Node-Red debug window.
Hi everyone, i have aquestion. How can i do the follow:
i have node red run, Smarthings token und i can see all my devices after i put my token into the field in Node red OnOff. This is a powerconnector name like printer. If i say to alexa “Alexa Printer Power on” its works. How can i the in node red Smarthings node,“OnOff” - Device “Printer” that he change the state? In Alex App, and Smartthings app i can see that the state is change. But not direct in node red. I think that I don’t have to send an inject payload every second so that I have the current status, right? I hope you understand my bad English
Hi tim, thank you for your repley. Can you show me a example? I dont know how can i make it. I know that i can build a routine. But i dont know how can i make a http request. I have a dyndns like i think i have to open a port that can smarthing send me a http info?
The one you linked to is a Moes hub which can act as a “matter bridge” to bring some devices connected to it into SmartThings. But it is NOT a “SmartThings hub” and it cannot run SmartThings platform edge drivers.
The current standalone SmartThings hubs which can run edge drivers are the Aeotec V3 model
Or the “SmartThings station“ from Samsung. I’m not sure where you would buy that one in Europe.
Note that if you want to use any matter devices, including the Moes hub that you bought to use as a matter bridge, you must also have a SmartThings hub.
So as far as the Moes hub that you bought, you could connect some Tuya Zigbee devices to it and then add the Moes hub via matter to your SmartThings account and it would bring in some of those devices so you could use them in the SmartThings app. But you will have to also have a SmartThings hub to do that.
hi, i got the aeotec smart home hub. i set up the hub online to the smartthings account… BUT… i think i can manage only IOT-Devices that direct connect to the hub. I was hoping that I could also address all other devices in my device list via the hub. So also all the devices that I have integrated into Smartthings via Tuya?
As with many things ST, it depends. Some Tuya devices can be added directly to the hub using custom Edge drivers. Other Tuya devices may be supported in the cloud->cloud integration through Smart Life or Tuya Smart. For example, I have a thermometer that I’ve added to the Smart Life app and it shows up in ST. I have a temperature controlled switch that appears in Smart Life but does not show up in ST.
in the smart life app i can see more than 20 devices! and in Smarthing i can find them all under devices! But i dont know how can i talk with them under nodered with the hub? can you show me a flow code how should this work?
I can think of 2 ways, there may be more. One is using the node-red-contrib-samsung-automation-studio-nodes for the Node-red pallete. It runs mainly through the cloud API and may have problems at this moment with the 24 hour duration of the PAT, although presumably being a Samsung official integration this should be resolved.
Another is using the MQTT driver by Todd Austin
That will require doing more homework, it’s local, it is the way I use and opens up many possibilities if you use it with Node-red.