As I own a Nest Thermostat, I was looking for a way to connect this to SmartThings and I stumbled across this thread:
@Dianoga has compiled something for the Nest Thermostat in the UK, and I know people have managed to chop and change the code to get it working.
I have since modified the code, and stripped out any code that isn’t relevant to the UK Thermostat. I know using the original code, I managed to force my Nest into Cooling mode, something that isn’t available in the UK!
Now, I’m not coding guru, but I get the general principles so I’ve uploaded the code to Github here:
I have been using this code over the weekend, and it has been working great. For some reason this morning it stopped responding entirely (i.e. I can’t alter any of the Nest’s parameters from ST). Is anybody else experiencing this?
Turns out they released the third generation device in the UK today (thankfully my 2nd gen is still within the return period). I wonder if they made backend changes at the same time.
96d5e8d1-e3bc-449d-984a-8e589958f219 20:51:20 GMT: error java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property ‘stringValue’ on null object @ line 202
96d5e8d1-e3bc-449d-984a-8e589958f219 20:51:20 GMT: debug Setting heat set point up to: 23.0
Are you seeing the current stats of the Nest, or does it show ‘–’ in a red circle where the target temperature should be? If so, hit the refresh tile first