ive paired the curtain module to tuya and linked tuya to smartthings but the curtain switch module shows in smartthings as a switch ? any help would be great thanks .
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Hi @montyfert
Could you please provide the name of the device?
Also, could you provide support access to your account, please?
- Confirm the email account registered in the forum is the same one you use for SmartThings. If not, please share it with me over DM
- Enable support access to your account:
- Go to the SmartThings Web (my.smartthings.com )
- Log in to your Samsung Account
- Select Menu (⋮) and choose Settings
- Toggle on Account Data Access
- Select the time period and confirm - In this step, please select “Until turned off”, once the team finishes, we’ll let you know so you can disable it again.
hi its the (Curtain switch)
yes its the same email acount
support access is granted
Hi @montyfert
It looks like the device was installed with the ‘c2c-switch’ profile, which depends on the manufacturer. We recommend reaching out to Tuya support to check why your device was created this way.
thank you for the help i will contact tuya,