Tuya Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Battery never worked out for me

This was all great information and got me up and running with my sensor!. The one problem I have now is the update interval. It’s showing 7260 seconds (or something like that). How can that be changed?


Really appreciate the guidance in this thread, I was able to get this sensor to send temp/humidity to my hub.

Remaining issues are:

  • it shows Offline all the time, even though I’m getting new readings
  • it doesn’t have the battery %, similar to others above

Anyone fix these since the responses above?

Edit: Now it’s showing battery percentage, but still says “offline”. Very interesting.

Edit 2: Now it’s showing online. :upside_down_face:

I’m looking at this device and wondered if you can trigger off the humidity readings. Most seem to simply report/display values.
Thanks for any guidance.

Yes, you can definitely trigger just about anything you want using the humidity reading from the Tuya sensor. All you would need is to set up an Automation to monitor the humidity and “IF” the humidity reaches your desired setting “THEN” trigger a Scene to perform whatever action you want done.

Hi guy, I’ve been using my Smartthings hub for about a year since Wink pooped the bed hard.

I’m trying to get one of these Tuya Temp/Humidity sensors (TT001-ZA) to pair with my hub but I just can’t seem to figure it out. I try adding with wither Generic Z-Wave or Smartthings Temp/Humidity Sensor but it is not detected in either setting.

I wonder if perhaps it is the sensor itself as the indicator light only flashes for about 5 seconds after a long press, which seems incredibly short.

Heck, I couldn’t even get it to sync using the Tuya app

EDIT: Okay, I think I’ve got it working. Somehow it paired with the hub as a Thing (as desired) without ever actually telling me that it had. So I just had to set the handler and I’m getting readings. Did you guys have to set an offset? My sensor seems to be reading about 4 degrees too hot and 13% too humid

For what it’s worth, I had a lot of issues as well. What eventually worked for me was to search for and add ‘smartsense temp/humidity sensor’ from the app, then when the app says to pull the plastic out of the battery compartment on the Tuya sensor, I press the button on the sensor and hold for a few seconds until the led flashes blue (assuming I’ve already pulled the plastic out, which you need to do). Eventually if left alone for a few minutes it would find and add the sensor, but as a generic ‘Thing’. Then I go into Smartthings IDE from my PC and change the DTH to ‘smartsense temp/humidity sensor’ (it was showing up as a TV or something).

Did you ever get it to refresh faster? I have the same issue!

I purchased this device from AliExpress:
Tuya ZigBee Smart Temperature and Humidity Sensor Seedling Fermentation High precision with Wire Probe

I followed the steps outlined here and my ST Hub is able to see the device as a “Zigbee Thing”. However I am unable to see the actual temperature/humidity. When I try to change the driver in the ST app, no other drivers show up. In Groovy if I change the driver to “Zigbee Humidity Sensor”, I get this error:
Error changing device driver to “Zigbee Humidity Sensor”. Ensure that the driver you are trying to change to has a valid fingerprint match with this device.

How do I download an install the driver for “Smartsense temp/humidity sensor”?

You could try @Mariano_Colmenarejo 's “ZigBee temp sensor and child thermostat” Edge Driver.

If that doesn’t work post the fingerprints.

The link to @Mariano_Colmenarejo’s page returns a “403” error.

Since the device is registered as a “Zigbee Thing”, all information available in the app is just generic information for “Zigbee Thing”. How can I find the fingerprint of the actual device?

You can go to Samsung account.

The fingerprints are the Mfg. Code and Model.

Manufacturer: SmartThingsCommunity
Manufacturer Code: _TZE200_qyflbnbj
Model: TS0601

Does this help?

@Mariano_Colmenarejo can you add this to you temperature and humidity sensor driver?


These TS0601 devices normally use the EF00 cluster and do not work with my driver.

They could work with the Personal tuya devices EF00 driver


Thank you so much for the Personal Tuya Devices driver. In a previous post you had noted the _TZE200_bjawzodf temp/humidity device would not work because of the EF00 cluster but with this driver I am able to get temperature readings from it. The battery and humidity do not come through however and I have been looking to see if there is anything I can enter into the data point line for humidity on the initial settings to pull the humidity data too?