Trying to enable WOL, but stuck at first step - enabling github

Man this feels so long winded and complicated!

I want to have the WOL feature through smartthings:

but to do that I didnt really know what to do. When i did a little digging appears i need to use SMART CoRE. But to enable that I need to enable github integration on my IDE (man its getting so long winded)

So I think I have found step 1 in my very long journey to trying to get my pc to switch on from within Smartthings.

But when I looked here

it says “Click the Enable GitHub Integration link on the My SmartApps or My Device Handlers page. This will launch a wizard that will guide you through the process.”

However when I click either of those, I dont see the Enable GitHub Integration link.

Can anyone help? What am I missing?!

I thought I was clever, now I feel incredibly stupid

If you need github in the UK then follow the instructions here:

A word of warning, it works okay but does make the IDE quite sluggish.

You can of course just cut and paste any smartapp without enabling guthub if you want. I have it enabled but github integration is not 100% necessary for anything in smartthings.

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Strange, I’m not seeing that. It can take up to 10-15 seconds to load smartapps and device handlers. I’m in there a lot especially when working on the xiaomi device handlers. Have no idea why people are seeing such differences, maybe even within the UK shard there are pockets of servers under more load than others.

thanks for the replies guys.

I only want to add ability to WOL my PC using Smartthings. So will go for installing CoRE manually next once I have some free time. Github integration looks a no go for me as Im in the UK.

Thanks again

Hi Robin

All was going well until I got to the

Go to marketplace in the ST mobile app
Scroll down to ‘my apps’

Im seeing all the usual categories in SmartApps, Safety & security etc byt Im not seeing “my apps”. Its listed in my SmartApps in IDE just not seeing it on the mobile device. Have tried logging out and then in again. Is there a delay before I should see it or is there another problem?


Hi Robin, yes - am definitely looking at the SmartApps tab:

Sounds a lot like you’ve not published the app.


Was definitely showing as published.

After I went to home location screen, it disappeared. So I then re-added it logged out and back in again on mobile app & now its appearing in the mobile app! It’s the only location I have - presumably I have to go to the location screen first, go into the home location and then add the smartapp?

Thanks for your help on this. Means I can progress to the next step now!!! Will let you know how I get on.

Thanks guys