This is a Must have sensor

Well, I think I have officially seen everything…

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Thanks @Keo… Best device ever… :wink: @wackware is already on top of this writing the device type. And a SmartApp “Notify me when I need to go…” with push and text, and may be turn on lights.

Then you can get it on the other end :wink:

But with ST missing the event, an accident could happen. I would hate to have that notification subscription mis-fire and not know I needed to go.

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I laughed too hard @pstuart. Uh ohh.

Actually, if it’s big enough to not be a choking hazard, this would be amazing for babies!! Or when you’re potty training a puppy.

Combine it with this and it can heat the seat for you.

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This thread reminds me of something I saw at Samsung Developer Conference:

It’s a sensor that tells you it’s time to goto the hospital because the baby is ready.

I’m all for automating things, but I don’t think anyone needs a sensor for that. If I remember correctly, the loud piercing yells were plenty enough to tell me it was time to grab everything and go to the hospital.

There will be a time in the world where if you think of an idea, someone will already have a DeviceType / SmartApp for it.

edit: or sensor… or whatever. I sounded like a commercial just now. Anyone want to pass me that Koolaid?

@april that device is the kool aid!