Well, I think I have officially seen everything…
Thanks @Keo… Best device ever… @wackware is already on top of this writing the device type. And a SmartApp “Notify me when I need to go…” with push and text, and may be turn on lights.
Then you can get it on the other end
But with ST missing the event, an accident could happen. I would hate to have that notification subscription mis-fire and not know I needed to go.
I laughed too hard @pstuart. Uh ohh.
Actually, if it’s big enough to not be a choking hazard, this would be amazing for babies!! Or when you’re potty training a puppy.
Combine it with this and it can heat the seat for you.
This thread reminds me of something I saw at Samsung Developer Conference:
It’s a sensor that tells you it’s time to goto the hospital because the baby is ready.
I’m all for automating things, but I don’t think anyone needs a sensor for that. If I remember correctly, the loud piercing yells were plenty enough to tell me it was time to grab everything and go to the hospital.
There will be a time in the world where if you think of an idea, someone will already have a DeviceType / SmartApp for it.
edit: or sensor… or whatever. I sounded like a commercial just now. Anyone want to pass me that Koolaid?
@april that device is the kool aid!