Thingshield replacement solution for about $15 - can connect smartthings to arduino again over zigbee!

I logged into the IDE and it did join the network (I am using channel 24). It just has been a couple of years since I have played with this. I am just trying to add a couple of LEDs for statuses that will be connected to my tablet to show if any doors/garage door, locks are unlocked. I will try and google to find out what I need to do to hook up LEDs to the board and set them up with Smartthings. If you can point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.

Thanks for the reply! I found out it has joined my ST Hub. It just has been a while since I even used this. Now Im trying to google and remember how to setup a couple of LEDs to it to show my statuses of my doors etc.

Well, Samsung abandoned the ThingShield many years ago. It relies on Groovy DTHs which will probably be the next thing obsoleted by Samsung. They’ve publicly stated that the Groovy IDE will be retired this year.

That said, you could try using my ST_Anything software with your ThingShield and an Arduino to control some LEDs. There’s a big thread here in the community for ST_Anything. Please note that I am not really developing it for ST any longer, as I use Hubitat for my home automation needs these days.

So the Mona Lisa won’t report analog inputs any more? has anyome developed a driver or tile that allows the analog inputs to report?

also @drandyhaas what will happen when ST kills groovy, will this be affected?

Time to move to hubitat!


TOO late ! I already did, but I still use ST. So my thing shield will work on HE?

Sure does! :sunglasses:


Hello @drandyhaas ,
in softserial.ino as far as I understand it - it only has capability for polling.
Currently I have Mona Lisa attached as shield to Arduino Uno Rev3.
Mona Lisa is connected to Zigbee network on Hubitat and I can control LED state and poll buttons, etc.
Is there sketch code that I can use to send command to Mona Lisa which will control Digital pins to control servo motor where servo is attached to Arduino Uno?

In softserial.ino, the gotCommand function will get called each time the hub driver sends a command to the MonaLisa. You should see the commands printed out, if you are using the arduino serial monitor.
So just edit the hub driver (on hubitat) to send some custom command like “Servo_1_17.” to tell your arduino to turn servo 1 to position 17. You have to edit the softserial.ino of course as well, to interpret that new command (in the gotCommand function) to actually turn the servo.

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@drandyhaas I finally am starting to get little bit more understanding of the sketch and the hubitat driver and how to adjust the custom commands.
But I still can’t seem to make the if statement work for the custom string command I am passing through to the Arduino Uno rev3 so that it moves the servo for example.

I use the default message “arduino1” but I never seem to be able to get inside of the if statement block when com == “arduino1”

Also I am not entirely sure why in the example sketch myInputBuffer is of size 20 and the myInputBuffer_p is going up to 16.

No matter what I pass as custom command - with or without ending “.” - the if check string comparison never gets to be true.

Am I making some coding mistake somewhere?

There’s all the … on the end, so you need something like
if (com.startswith(“arduino1.”))

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thank you @drandyhaas .
I was looking at string comparison operators and did not see startsWith().
But String() type had this function. String() docs

After changing the gotCommand function accepted parameter to
void gotCommand(String com, int comlength)

and then the if check
if (com.startsWith("arduino1")) {

BTW the native commands sent to Mona Lisa also work for now when command parameter ‘com’ is String instead of char*

I can finally reliably move the servo with command sent from Hubitat Mona Liza Zigbee switch driver.

Now onto the final automation for wireless control of vacuum hose redirect for my woodworking shop/garage :slight_smile:

Ok great. Enjoy!

Hey, I have just found this thread via google, when searching for zigbee development boards/kits.
I built a custom sun sensor using a photoresistor (something like this: and a ESP32 board, which communicates with my home automation via WiFi. Although the solution works, I am unable to run this device on battery for more than one month. I am using deep sleep and only take readings every 2 minutes, and only connect to WiFi if certain thresholds are exceeded, but still it seem to be pretty power hungry.

Since I have several Zigbee-based devices in my home which run on battery for even more than a year (e.g. motion sensors which include brightness/temperature sensors), there must be a way to make a comparable custom device.
This is why I am looking for a Zigbee development platform which allows me to build Zigbee end devices. I already found the Z1 mini, which seems to do the job, however it requires to buy proprietary firmware licenses (per device), which is a small no-go.

In your post you mention that the Mona Lisa is a Zigbee router and needs to be powered on all the time, so I would like to ask if it was possible to run Mona Lisa as end device which only reads sensor values and publishes them to the Zigbee network?
Do you have any experience whatsoever with running Mona Lisa on battery?

Thanks for your feedback.

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