Tasmota Firmware on Sonoff using Brett Sheleski integration

@Ryan780 I’ve already modified Sonoff Basic with wired magnetic sensor connected to GPIO14 + GND and resistor 4,7k between 3,3v and DATA
I would like to be able to use it as momentary switch with door open/close status, something similar like Mimolite

Is it possible to achieve it with ESP firmware and following this instruction: [RELEASE] Sonoff, Sonoff TH, S20, Dual, 4CH, POW, & Touch Device Handler & SmartApp ($5 & $10 Smart Switches)

Where I can configure GPIO14 to give me back status Open/Close ?

Device Handler for Mimolite is here: https://github.com/fortrezz/smartthings
Documentation: http://www.homecontrols.com/homecontrols/products/pdfs/FZ-FortrezZ/FZMIMO2US-Guide-with-SmartThings.pdf


or even to controll two garage doors