Idea for a Garage Door project need input

Sure! It’s based on this diagram:

My wired magnetic door sensor is installed at the top of the door vs. where the one is mounted in the diagram.

No a zwave sensor can’t be used because of how the Mimolite needs to be wired up, and since the control of the opener and open/close status is all done in a DH (not anything virtual with service manager smartapp), it needs to be wired.

It’s a momentary switch, and certainly not virtual. I wrote the DH for it, and here’s what it looks like:

Here’s an old (but active) discussion about this device, including the new MIMO2+ (for 2 garage doors!):

Mimolite for garage door and magnetic door contact - #111[quote=“joelw135, post:9, topic:76345”]
If you used CoRe would you post your Piston?

I don’t CoRE for any of this, just plain old ST and native SmartApps to auto close the door after a certain time and after no motion detected.