March 8, 2023, 8:23pm
IDE is in the process of being shut down. You can no longer install smartapps or device handlers there as those were groovy. Also, the sunrise/sunset data in IDE is no longer updated nor used by the new architecture.
for the smart lighting and sunrise/sunset issues, you may get better results converting them to Routines.
To install Edge drivers, you do that from the ST app or using the CLI.
As of September 2023, SmartThings has now almost completed transition to a new architecture, part of which is called Edge.
The Samsung-hosted free groovy cloud gradually went away beginning on September 30, 2022. For hub-connected devices, including Zwave and Zigbee, the DTH replacement will be Edge Drivers, which are written in the Lua programming language and will run locally on your own hub.
If you are new to SmartThings, the basics of the SmartThings architecture are pretty simple:
A) An “Edge Driver” is code that runs on your SmartThings/Aeotec hub so the hub can talk directly to an individual device. If you don’t have a hub, you can skip all the rest of this thread: it won’t apply to your setup.
B) If your device uses a “cloud to clo…
With the transition to the new architecture, the IDE is in the process of being discontinued. Some features are already gone. Any device using new architecture, such as those using edge drivers, will just show up as “placeholder“ and the information will be incomplete or even inaccurate. (For example, it will probably say that all devices showing “placeholder“ are in the cloud, where in fact all edge drivers run local.)
Don’t try to use the IDE to change anything that says placeholder: you might even break the integration altogether.
http://my.smartthings.com is the new official webpage access to your smartthings account.
At first that page was pretty limited, but as of 29 June 2023 Samsung has now added a number of new “advanced” features to that page, making it much more like the old …