Hello All,
I just thought I would post my project / story to possibly get your input and or help others. First off I am totally new to ST, so I still have much to learn. Thankfully I have a coding backgrounds, so it shouldn’t be too difficult. In any case my project is to replace my current home security system with a ST system. My requirements are to keep everything as simple as possible to reduce the points of failure and keep the wife happy. I don’t want to get into bashing my current system, so I’ll just call it “current system”. It has worked well enough for us for the last 5 years, but I want to extend the functionality and have the ability to add / configure my own system.
- 24/7 Monitoring
- Signed up for Scout. So far so good. Still in the testing period, however everything seems to be working as expected. I would however like to see an Arm Night mode. In my current system Arm away, stay and night all have different delays before the police are notified. For example if it is armed night and an intrusion is detected the time to call is less than when away or stay. Not a show stopper nor really an ST issue just a nice to have / suggestion to bring up with Scout.
- SHM setup and door / motion sensors all configured for the modes.
- Auto arm based on presence / activity. Works great, but I would like better control over the rule sets. I think rule machine may help here. EX when I leave and its early and it’s a week day and someone else Is still home then arm stay…
- Foscam integration - Thanks to the device handler and smartapps from @Rboy this is working great. Still a little to do, but working well enough.
- Dedicated main control panel / dashboard (tablet): I want to have a dedicated control panel. I plan to wall mount a tablet we have laying around. I can use the ST native app, however it lacks tablet support and the dashboards are a little to be desired. I’m thinking of leveraging the SmartTiles dashboard. The control panel should be able to…
- Arm / Disarm
- Show all motion / open / close sensor status
- Show / link to cameras (FOSCAM IP Cameras).
- Open / Close sensor chime - I do not want the chime on all devices just the main control panel.
- Alarm Siren - Looking at the Aeon Labs Gen5. Would be nice if the volume / tone could be set based on even rather than at the global level.
- Intrusion audible warning before police are called - My current system beeps until the window to disarm has passed. If that window passes then the full siren goes off.
- Dedicated entry keypad to activate / deactivate (could just be a 2nd tablet or old phone or keypad.
- Send picture when front door cam detects motion (kind of working, but not in ST).
- Cellular backup (plan to do at router level until / if it is ever added at the hub level).
So far I can say that I am happy with the system and its capabilities, however a bit concerned with the stability. The plan is to continue testing it in parallel before we decide to keep it around or return it. I’ve only had it for a few days and so far have noticed.
- The app on android constantly has errors. Typically these are minor and clicking the action / button again works other times I have to close it out.
- Hub went off line last night. What happens when it goes off line and monitoring is active? Will the hub return to its previous state (away, stay, home)?.
- ST Open / close sensors much more responsive that existing system. We’re running both right now and ST is the first to send the notification.
- ST motion sensor seems to be better at detecting motion than my existing system.
- The capabilities seem endless. I really want to keep this around pending it is stable enough. I plan to add switches etc and am really excited about HA. I’ve been addicted to these boards the past few days and have been learning a lot from the community.