[ST EDGE] Zooz Edge Driver Channel

Hi, @krlaframboise
If I understood correctly, the issue is that not all components of a device appear in the Routines “then” section and, in the conditions, all components appear correctly, right?

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Yes that is what is occurring

ok, thank you for the confirmation, I’m seeing this with my multi-component devices so, I’ll report it right away. Once I get more info, I’ll let you know.


On the ZEN16 - for me the relays dont show up in the parent relay, however if you create the child relays, then those are selectable.

I’m trying to avoid creating child relays for two of my devices based on how I use them. I figured I could get it working by creating child devices if I had to but hopping ST can resolve this issue.

@nayelyz On top of this, my brand new aeotec hub (had for 3 days) has now stopped adding or excluding any devices. The lights blink but it cannot find any devices in either add or exclude mode.

I hope so too Guy. In the meantime I created a room called “Hidden” to put junk into (sadly you can’t hide the room but I put it at the very end of the list of rooms)

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@nayelyz , please respond to that one in a PM since it’s not related.

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Enabling child devices is the workaround for users that don’t have access to an Android phone and need to create a new routine that controls a multichannel device.

Fyi, the enable child device setting is just a trigger that makes it create them. Once they’re created you can disable that setting and delete the ones you don’t need…


I just went to get an android tablet and I can confirm that the issue is with iOS devices. On my iPhone I cannot access the ZEN32 custom capabilities in the “THEN” section of a routine. It IS available on Android.

Hopefully this helps speed up the fix to know that it affects iOS and not Android.

From Android Tablet

From iOS

I just went to get an android tablet and I can confirm that the issue is with iOS devices. On my iPhone I cannot access the ZEN32 custom capabilities in the “THEN” section of a routine. It IS available on Android.

Hopefully this helps speed up the fix to know that it affects iOS and not Android.

From Android Tablet

Sorry for duplication. Editing on multiple devices

If this is not going to happen can you please just say then I can look for alternatives.


Zen 15 reporting Power Meter usage in History on an Off event even when set not to

Hey @krlaframboise , I’m using a Zen 15 switch with the most current Zooz driver, v2023-02-25Txxxx .

Power Report W Threshold is set to 0, but whenever there’s an off event the history shows:

  • the Off event
  • the Power Meter reading right before the Off event (12.587W in my case)
  • another Power Meter reading of 0

The On event does not trigger any writing of the Power Meter readings in History, it simply (and correctly) records just the On event in History.

Any thoughts on how to stop this?

The device only emits a power event if it receives a power report so the device must be sending the report and you should contact Zooz support…

When do they think this will be fixed?

I don’t have information about that. I’ll ping the team again.

Unfortunately today’s iOS app update still has this problem.

Any line of sight into resolving this issue? I updated ST app ( and concur the issue is still present. Am running latest iOS available on my iPhone - 16.3.1 and on iPad Pro - 16.3.1

I just paired my ZSE40 to the hub using these drivers and it is reporting as expected.

Two questions:

  1. After updating the setting for the device, disable led notification, do I need to do anything to push those settings to the sensor? I think I need to wait 12 hours or perform a manual wakeup of the device, correct?
  2. Is there a way to reduce/decrease the polling time? It appears to be configured to 10 minutes and I didn’t see a way to adjust it in the settings menu. Looking to have an action performed based on the humidity level in a bathroom and 10 minutes is a bit long.
  3. The device setting option disappeared. Is there a way to get it back?

If there isn’t a way to reduce the polling time any opinions for a humidity sensor that can poll in 3-5 minute intervals?

@jfalteisek @MarkTr - Thanks for sharing! Was struggling getting this same scenario setup. Using the TAustin virtual device, I wasn’t sure what the sync/not sync option was doing until reading this thread. Turned sync off and now I can have my routines change door state based off a tilt sensor and not re-trigger the door opener when the door closes. Everything seems to be working correctly, but have only done a few tests. Time will tell!!

I have no idea what has happened, but all 5 of my ZSE29 sensors are only reporting lux sporadically. On my iPhone ST app, motion events are not in the history and my automations depending on motion events aren’t working.

I’m using the Zooz Multi Sensor Edge driver and the most current ST hub firmware. Anyone else having this issue? I’m discussing with Zooz support and they’re checking with their engineers.

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