[ST Edge] Request: Driver for Z-Wave Window Treatment

I have developed my own Zwave windows roller shades (windows treatment), with a Z-uno module.

With the device handlers I could just connect my roller shade controller to the ST hub, and it was recognized as a thing. I then switched the device handler to Zwave windows shade device handler, and it work perfect.
A Zwave windows treatment in principal works like a multi switch (dimmer) where you can give a value from 0 to 100, and for a dimmer it means light from 0% to 100%. On a windows treatment it works kind of opposite, when shade are closed the value is 0%, and full open, it is 100%.

I have looked into the supported devices in the fingerprint file for SmartthingsEdgeDrivers Zwave windows shade, and my shade is of course not in the list.

How do I get SmartThings to chose correct edge driver?
Can I add the the manufactor id and model to fingerprint of Zwave windows treatment, so my roller shades will be recognized correct?
Or can I switch edge driver when Samsung converted my roller shades to a ‘thing’, to the Zwave windows treatment?

How can

Hi @Kina500

Device added to this driver version
I thought I saw that it has a battery?

Try it installing driver from my channel link

 Name         Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc
 Version      2022-12-01T21:35:44.328568582        
  - id: 0115/0110/0001
    deviceLabel: Z-uno Windows Treatment
    manufacturerId: 0x0115
    productType: 0x0110
    productId: 0x0001
    deviceProfileName: window-treatment-preset-reverse

Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo

This is fantastic, thank you very much :slight_smile:

Correct, I made the roller shade with the Ikea roller shade battery’s.

Can I just add the driver, as I have already your library enrolled, or should I unenroll and enroll again to get your change (new version)?

If you were already enrolled in the channel, you don’t have to do it again.

Install the driver in your hub and check that the version date is the one I put in the post or higher.

exclude your device and add it again to pair with the driver

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Hi Mariano

I just looked in the fingerprint file for the Z-wave Window Treatment Mc, and it seems that the device you added, id: 0115/0110/0001, is not there anymore.
I installed the driver, but if it is not in newer drivers, then I guess I will not be possible to add the windows treatment later again?

I did not have luck excluding my windows treatments, to include them again with your edge driver, for any reason I am investigating, they will not exclude…
I hoped that the automatic transition that Samsung should make until January 1st, from DH to ED would change the driver, but nothing happened so far.
Are Samsung delayed with the transition?

Hi @Kina500
Yes it exists, what happens is that the github file is not updated

- id: 0115/0110/0001
    deviceLabel: Z-uno Windows Treatment
    manufacturerId: 0x0115
    productType: 0x0110
    productId: 0x0001
    deviceProfileName: window-treatment-preset-reverse
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Hello @Mariano_Colmenarejo I just bought some ZWave window motors from Cherubini.
They are ZWave connected motors, model “OpenZRX”.

Could you please add their fingerprint to your ZWave Windows Treatment MC?

Many Thanks!

Z-Wave Device:
Id: 440ff548-1796-4653-8baa-93dd57b066f5
DNI: 0x08
Firmware Ver: nil * Wake Up-Refresh Device
Library Ver: 3
Zw Protocol Ver: nil * Wake Up-Refresh Device
Manufacturer: 0x0455
Product Type: 0x0004
Product ID: 0x0002

Hi @Romano_Signorelli

Added to this driver version
Try if it works fine

 Name         Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc
 Version      2024-04-03T14:46:50.329647411        
- id: 0455/0004/0002
    deviceLabel: Cherubini OpenZRX
    manufacturerId: 0x0455
    productType: 0x0004
    productId: 0x0002
    deviceProfileName: window-treatment-preset-reverse-mc
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Hello Mariano,

thanks for the quick inclusion.
The driver works but there are some problems with status update.

In details:

  • It doesn’t update status at roller shutter end of movement.
    To be honest, it updates status once during movement and doesn’t update at the end of movement.
    This is the exact behaviour: at roller closed, I click “open”. The motor starts moving. After a couple of seconds the driver updates the status to “partially opened” (or maybe the motor sent a status update). But the motor still continues to move. At the end of movement (roller completely opened) the status is not updated to “opened” and position keeps the previous value.
    To update the status I must click again “open”. The motor doesn’t move (the roller is already open) but the status updates correctly.
    The status is correctly updated also waiting for some minutes after movement.

  • When I move the roller by using the in-wall switches, the status is not updated in ST.
    The status is correctly updated waiting for some minutes after movement.

  • It’s visible a battery level which is not managed by the device

Please note: every time I enter inside the device panel, the following popup appears “This device has not yet updated all of its status settings. Please try again later.”

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your support.

I modified the profile assigned to device without battery
I added configuration for parameter 37 to refresh level every 2 sec when motor is moving
Added configuration for parameter 38 to value 1, to device send switch Multilevel report too.

For changes applied you need uninstall device and reinstall it with this new driver version

 Name         Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc
 Version      2024-04-04T11:47:49.411567221        
- id: 0455/0004/0002
    deviceLabel: Cherubini OpenZRX
    manufacturerId: 0x0455
    productType: 0x0004
    productId: 0x0002
    deviceProfileName: window-treatment-preset

Hi Mariano,

thanks for the update. Now the device no more popups warning messages. That’s ok.
For the status update, it seems that nothing has changed.
In detail: update time still is 5 seconds. update occurs only once. and using in-wall buttons doesn’t update status.
In all cases status update takes place correctly after a few minutes.

What do you think?

best regards

I would need to see the logs with the CLI to be able to analyze what commands the device is sending when you press the physical controls on the wall and when the blinds are going up.

Are you unistall device and reinstall it with the new driver version to device configure?

Hi Mariano,

I finally got the CLI log.
You can find it below.

Thanks for your support
Best regards,

starting from curtain completely opened
sent a close command from ST (and waited until closing is complete)

2024-05-09T18:27:15.794959445Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Received event with handler capability
2024-05-09T18:27:15.806441684Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Z-Wave command(6ff2b0aa) queued for radio transmission: CC:Switch Multi-level, CID:0x01
2024-05-09T18:27:15.809279018Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> received command: {“args”:{},“capability”:“windowShade”,“command”:“close”,“component”:“main”,“positional_args”:{}}
2024-05-09T18:27:15.818117894Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_window_treatment
2024-05-09T18:27:15.827493621Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> sending Z-Wave command: {args={duration=“default”, value=“OFF_DISABLE”}, cmd_class=“SWITCH_MULTILEVEL”, cmd_id=“SET”, dst_channels={}, encap=“AUTO”, payload=“\x00\xFF”, src_channel=0, version=2}
2024-05-09T18:27:15.832994870Z DEBUG Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Tapparella cucina sud device thread event handled
2024-05-09T18:27:15.837584497Z DEBUG Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Tapparella cucina sud device thread event handled
2024-05-09T18:27:15.937895294Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Z-Wave command(6ff2b0aa) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_OK
2024-05-09T18:27:20.656812866Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Received event with handler unnamed
2024-05-09T18:27:20.669505876Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> received Z-Wave command: {args={current_value=65, duration=7, parameter_id=“OUT_BOTTOM_2”, target_value=0}, cmd_class=“WINDOW_COVERING”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“S2_AUTH”, payload=“\x0D\x41\x00\x07”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-05-09T18:27:20.689836495Z DEBUG Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Tapparella cucina sud device thread event handled
2024-05-09T18:27:20.844418164Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Z-Wave command(77b08381) queued for radio transmission: CC:Switch Multi-level, CID:0x02
2024-05-09T18:27:20.847867179Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> sending Z-Wave command: {args={}, cmd_class=“SWITCH_MULTILEVEL”, cmd_id=“GET”, dst_channels={}, encap=“AUTO”, payload=“”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-05-09T18:27:20.867475436Z DEBUG Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Tapparella cucina sud device thread event handled
2024-05-09T18:27:20.979745252Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Z-Wave command(77b08381) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_OK
2024-05-09T18:27:20.995925963Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Received event with handler unnamed
2024-05-09T18:27:21.023594374Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> received Z-Wave command: {args={current_value=65, duration=7, target_value=0, value=65}, cmd_class=“SWITCH_MULTILEVEL”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“S2_AUTH”, payload=“\x41\x00\x07”, src_channel=0, version=4}
2024-05-09T18:27:21.042423909Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_window_treatment
2024-05-09T18:27:21.047186330Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“windowShade”,“capability_id”:“windowShade”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“partially open”}}
2024-05-09T18:27:21.052186287Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_window_treatment
2024-05-09T18:27:21.056804387Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“shadeLevel”,“capability_id”:“windowShadeLevel”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:65}}
2024-05-09T18:27:21.061807554Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_window_treatment
2024-05-09T18:27:21.066853451Z DEBUG Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Tapparella cucina sud device thread event handled
2024-05-09T18:27:25.604910763Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Received event with handler unnamed
2024-05-09T18:27:25.617963411Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> received Z-Wave command: {args={current_value=22, duration=2, parameter_id=“OUT_BOTTOM_2”, target_value=0}, cmd_class=“WINDOW_COVERING”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“S2_AUTH”, payload=“\x0D\x16\x00\x02”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-05-09T18:27:25.632486293Z DEBUG Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Tapparella cucina sud device thread event handled
2024-05-09T18:27:28.292107732Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Received event with handler unnamed
2024-05-09T18:27:28.300882117Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> received Z-Wave command: {args={current_value=0, duration=0, parameter_id=“OUT_BOTTOM_2”, target_value=0}, cmd_class=“WINDOW_COVERING”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“S2_AUTH”, payload=“\x0D\x00\x00\x00”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-05-09T18:27:28.306283149Z DEBUG Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Tapparella cucina sud device thread event handled

clicked a wall mounter switch (UP)
this will completely open the curtain
waited until curtain completely opened

2024-05-09T18:30:54.824816795Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Received event with handler unnamed
2024-05-09T18:30:54.838192063Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> received Z-Wave command: {args={current_value=32, duration=7, parameter_id=“OUT_BOTTOM_2”, target_value=99}, cmd_class=“WINDOW_COVERING”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“S2_AUTH”, payload=“\x0D\x20\x63\x07”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-05-09T18:30:54.889201805Z DEBUG Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Tapparella cucina sud device thread event handled
2024-05-09T18:30:59.841238294Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Received event with handler unnamed
2024-05-09T18:30:59.849882614Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> received Z-Wave command: {args={current_value=73, duration=2, parameter_id=“OUT_BOTTOM_2”, target_value=99}, cmd_class=“WINDOW_COVERING”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“S2_AUTH”, payload=“\x0D\x49\x63\x02”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-05-09T18:30:59.854995545Z DEBUG Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Tapparella cucina sud device thread event handled
2024-05-09T18:31:03.244806312Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Received event with handler unnamed
2024-05-09T18:31:03.250031423Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> received Z-Wave command: {args={current_value=99, duration=0, parameter_id=“OUT_BOTTOM_2”, target_value=99}, cmd_class=“WINDOW_COVERING”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“S2_AUTH”, payload=“\x0D\x63\x63\x00”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-05-09T18:31:03.255444462Z DEBUG Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Tapparella cucina sud device thread event handled

clicked DN wall-switch
the curtain started to move
then I clicked DN again just after 3 seconds
the curtain stopped moving at currently reached position

2024-05-09T18:30:54.824816795Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Received event with handler unnamed
2024-05-09T18:30:54.838192063Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> received Z-Wave command: {args={current_value=32, duration=7, parameter_id=“OUT_BOTTOM_2”, target_value=99}, cmd_class=“WINDOW_COVERING”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“S2_AUTH”, payload=“\x0D\x20\x63\x07”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-05-09T18:30:54.889201805Z DEBUG Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Tapparella cucina sud device thread event handled
2024-05-09T18:30:59.841238294Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Received event with handler unnamed
2024-05-09T18:30:59.849882614Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> received Z-Wave command: {args={current_value=73, duration=2, parameter_id=“OUT_BOTTOM_2”, target_value=99}, cmd_class=“WINDOW_COVERING”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“S2_AUTH”, payload=“\x0D\x49\x63\x02”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-05-09T18:30:59.854995545Z DEBUG Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Tapparella cucina sud device thread event handled
2024-05-09T18:31:03.244806312Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Received event with handler unnamed
2024-05-09T18:31:03.250031423Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> received Z-Wave command: {args={current_value=99, duration=0, parameter_id=“OUT_BOTTOM_2”, target_value=99}, cmd_class=“WINDOW_COVERING”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“S2_AUTH”, payload=“\x0D\x63\x63\x00”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-05-09T18:31:03.255444462Z DEBUG Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Tapparella cucina sud device thread event handled

special function: hold and press UP button to move to predefined position
from curtain completely opened
long pressed UP button for more than 2 seconds
the curtain closes automatically to the predefined position (configured during installation)

2024-05-09T18:33:04.173042053Z TRACE Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Received event with handler unnamed
2024-05-09T18:33:04.182854770Z INFO Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc <ZwaveDevice: 8790[…PRIVATE…]5302 [11] (Tapparella cucina sud)> received Z-Wave command: {args={current_value=70, duration=0, parameter_id=“OUT_BOTTOM_2”, target_value=70}, cmd_class=“WINDOW_COVERING”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“S2_AUTH”, payload=“\x0D\x46\x46\x00”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2024-05-09T18:33:04.187963464Z DEBUG Z-Wave Window Treatment Mc Tapparella cucina sud device thread event handled

Your device is reporting current level with the parameter OUT_BOTTOM_2 = 0x0D, from the WindowCovering command class. in your logs 65% and target 0%

The smartthings defaults manage the SWITCH_MULTILEVEL command class to manage the current level. in your logs 65% and target 0%
This report is in your log because the defaults handlers read the command class SWITCH_MULTILEVEL 5 seconds after starting to close or open from the app
constants.MIN_DIMMING_GET_STATUS_DELAY = 5 --seconds

I added in April 4 driver version, the configuration of parameters 37 and 38 during pairing

Parameter 38 with value =1 make the device to send reports with the SWITCH_MULTILEVEL command class too

Did you exclude the device and add the device with the driver again? This should have configured the device to send reports with SWITCH_MULTILEVEL command class.

Could you send the logs with the CLi when device is installed on the device to see if it is configured correctly?


If you do not want to uninstall the device to configure it, you can use the Z-Wave Device Config Mc driver.

  • Install the driver on your hub from my channel

  • make a driver change to that driver from the app

  • In preference settings select the “Device Parameter Configure” function

  • insert the values:

    • Parameter: 38
    • Size: 1 byte
    • Value: 1
    • Config parameter action: Send
    • Click on Execute selected action.

The parameter value will be sent and a few seconds later the value read from the device will be read and displayed.

Once the quality of parameter 38 is equal to 1, change the original driver again and it should work

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