[ST Edge] Personal Tuya Devices - Generic EF00 Device

Yes it does. It controls my floor heating’s main valve.

Please, add DP 36 as Valve and let me know whether it worked or not.

Currently, valve works as “boolean” and your device treats as “enum”.
I want to check if the device understand the command even if you send boolean value instead of enum value.

It doesn’t work on it’s own unfortunately.
Basically it has a logic of it’s own so that if I set a temperature to x degrees and if the temp sensor on it and my thermostat thinks we need more hot water, it opens the valve automatically, and if it exceeds the desired heating temp, it will close the valve.
So I can’t force it to open it at will I think.

I hope I’m asking this in the correct thread. I connected a Zemismart ZM25EL shade roller motor (It’s the Tuya zigbee model) to my SmartThings hub, but it connected as a Thing and it’s not giving me an option to change the driver. Any hints?

This driver is expected to work with all devices that expose EF00 cluster.

If you installed this driver, and it didn’t show as an option, the odds are it won’t work for your device.

Are you still using any DTH ? Check Groovy IDE.

Thanks. Someone else suggested to install a zigbee thing driver first and then change to the shade roller driver. That got me a little further along. Now if I can figure out why it’s not giving me controls to raise and lower the shade.

Not sure if this helps. Its a temp sensor, humidity, with time and date from aliexpress. Its showing only in Fahrenheit with no way to switch to Celsius, and cant do anything with time and date. Any help would be amazing. Thanks for even looking.

Are you sure?

Dp 1 = temperature (21.7C)
Dp 2 = humidity (78%)
Dp 4 = battery percent (53%)

I am not really sure what Dp 14 and 15 are.

This is what i see.

This is the sensor



Please, check the temperature scale from your location.

That worked for the farenheit to celsius. Thanks, i never knew about that portal.
Just still dont have the ability to fix date or time.

What you mean fix date time ?

Top left is time and then date, but no idea how to adjust it.

oh, I see your point. I will try to fix it this weekend. I think I already know where is the problem.

Awesome! Cant wait to see it. I appreciate all your effort!

Also, just curious if this zigbee rgb controller can also get looked at. It comes up under generic switch. Switching profile doesnt help either. It only offers on and off with no color change, no random switching or fade options.
Thanks again. Sorry, i just got into smartthings and are finding out some of my older devices dont work with edge. Thanks in advance.

i’m also missing time on my thermostats, it only says 00:00,

Found this, maybe it helps:

Zigbee Connection Standard-TuyaOS-Tuya Developer
a. TY_DATA_ REQUEST command is used to write data point values
b. TY_DATA_REPORT command is used by the thermostat to report a data point value to the gateway (marked as directionToClient).
c. The “DP Data Format” is important, note that all number are transferred as Big-Endian.
d. TUYA_MCU_SYNC_TIME to set the thermostat time. Needs to have both UTC Unix timestamp in seconds and that same timestamp but then adjusted to the local timezone.

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Try using driver “Default clusters” instead.

That is exactly what I was thinking.
May I contact you this weekend to make some tests ?
Have you already used smartthings CLI to get live loggings ?