[ST Edge] ONVIF-compliant IP Camera Motion Detection & Video Streaming - Testers Wanted!

The forum is terrible at notifications Tod so didnt know you posted

Still working for me Uk
3 Hikvision cams

Stream not working here

Three Annke cameras, motion detection and notification still working.

  1. Working: Reolink E1 Zoom, motion and video
  2. Northeastern US

Still working, Foscams R2

  1. Working
  2. UAE
    (5 Axis Cameras)

UK, some working amd some dropped off, deleted and rediscovered and cameras are no longer available to add to a camera group.

UK tapo range of cameras.

I had the same issues in the past, initially it appeared to be a time delay, my cameras only became available to add to a camera group after some hours, i thought that perhaps some server somewhere processed the cameras and it just took an age to populate back to another server that allowed for group inclusion

I still think it has to do with servers somewhere but i recently added an old Hik cam and it did not appear for camera inclusion as usual until i used my Samsung Tv Smartthings app to try to view the camera, although the stream always fails on the Tv which is expected the camera then became available to a group in the phone app ??

So it does (appear) to be a server or maybe database issue to the untrained eye

Events working but camera video not working (cameras have never had video)
Country - US

1 - Not working
2 - Brazil

Thanks to everyone for the replies regarding the status of video streaming.

I should have asked this in my original survey, but for those that indicated it was NOT currently working, what is the message you are seeing on the camera groups screen? They seem to be either ‘Off’ or ‘camera not responding’.

FYI, I’ve requested more info from SmartThings regarding this issue, but have not yet heard anything back other than the ‘it’s not supported’ party line. But obviously it worked before and is still working for some, so… :thinking:

  1. Not working Intelbras IM360 camera

  2. Sao Paulo, Brazil

I just installed 5 Reolink RLC-833A’s.

They are all working fine in Reolink’s Native App.

Reserved IP Addresses. Added Edge Driver. Scanned for new devices. Found all 5 of them. Shows Information under the “Info” Heading (IP address; Name=IPC; Hardware RLC-833A). Added User Name & Password. Enabled RTSP & ONVIF in Desktop Application.

Pressing “Refresh” repeatedly: “Status” indicates “Not responding”.

Anyone have any experience with these Reolink RLC-833A’s with this Edge Driver?

"User Name has an ‘@’; but my Password does not. Is that OK?

Anything else I can try?

Do you have the CLI? Some driver logs when you tap Refresh would tell us what the problem is.

And if possible, could you try a userid without special characters? Sometimes they can trip up authentication, but that is usually seen when trying to view the video stream.

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@TAustin my apologies!

I was using my “account” login (hence the “@”), rather than the “camera” login. Changed that and all is functioning great!

Hit refresh and it lit up.

Went to the Camera Group it’s streaming!

Thank you!!!

By-the-way, Full Screen functioned properly, as well as the Picture-in-Picture function!

(PiP might only be available on Samsung Galaxy Devices).

Good to know you’re in business. :+1:t3: Thanks for the follow up.

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Updating my response to partially functional. It works when I’m connected to LAN but does not work while connected to mobile.

Video streaming will only work when you are connected to your local LAN. That’s just a limitation of SmartThings with Edge drivers.

Hi TAustin,

I messing something, I have 1 cam and I did not see the virtual camera creator on your channel so i try to create virtual camera with “ONVIF Manual Device Creator V1.1”
I put 2 cameras in same room I try to create camera group i sow only light group!?

Thanks for your help.

Unfortunately for some people, the option to create camera groups has disappeared from their app. We haven’t figure out why; it only seems to be the case for some, but not others. We’ve reported it to SmartThings.

As an alternative, you can use my API Browser+ app to create a camera group.

Also, be aware that you can now use my vEdge Creator driver for virtual devices to create virtual cameras.


Thanks you very much :pray:
I will try and let you know