[ST Edge] How to allow user changing component name

Could you please explain what needs to be done in code in order to allow user changing component name.
Naturally, this is of interest for multicomponent devices, specifically for multi gang switches.

I also tried to change the component name by adding ‘label’ tag to component, but it doesn’t work either.



At the moment, this cannot be done because the structure of device profiles is static, therefore, I recommend keep using your default component labels or have multiple device profiles to handle the differences between device models.

Hi @erickv ,
Thanks for the reply.

What about specifying component name in device_profile.yml?
I’m trying to add label to the component, but it seems it has no effect.

name: zigbee-switch-power-energy-meter
- id: main
  name: "Parent device"
  - id: switch
    version: 1
  - id: powerMeter
    version: 1
  - id: energyMeter
    version: 1
  - id: temperatureMeasurement
    version: 1
  - id: refresh
    version: 1
  - id: configuration
    version: 1
  - id: healthCheck
    version: 1
  - name: Light
- id: switch1
  label: "Gang 1"
  - id: switch
    version: 1
- id: switch2

I would expect to see “Gang 1” for the first switch, but it still has the default “Switch1” name.

Hey, @ygerlovin

Interesting! it seems that Edge has a few metadata inconsistencies around. I’ll run a few tests to determine if the issue is an Edge-specific issue or if it is just on how the SmartThings App is mapping the presentation metadata.

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Apparently, this is a plugin-specific issue where labels are not being prioritized over component Ids. I’ll share this with our team and as soon as I have a resolution, I’ll let you know!

Thanks again, for highlighting this detail!