Just as we mentioned before, this upcoming Friday-Sunday, we will be at TreeHacks! And since it’s just around the corner to our office, a TON of us will be there! So stop by and say hello! The whole community gang, @mager@ben, AND @jim (we rescued him from the snow!!!), and I will be there. In addition, come meet some of our support gang, and @Tyler.
We’ll be hacking all weekend long, so come stop by and say hello!
But of course, despite it being a hack-a-thon, it’s more of a “YAY! APRIL MADE STICKERS, AND SHE REALLY REALLY LIKES STICKERS.” We made some stickers, incase you didn’t get that. I’m proud enough to put them on my car, (and I still don’t allow people eating in it).
For those who won’t be able to make it, I’ll be posting some updates here, so you can live vicariously through this thread.
The event hasn’t started yet, but people are already approaching us, and asking about our platform. Ben even brought his Muse : I hope someone makes an integration with it!
Two separate groups is hoping to rig our hub v1 with bluetooth, and work with a Emotiv EPOC neuroheadset, to turn on a lightbulb! Ambitious! I hope it works! HOW AMAZING!
Pretty good! There’s a vending machine that spits out redbulls on demand, so all you have to do is push a button. It gives you the vending machine- experience every time, so it’s pretty awesome! I think we lost count . Facebook is next to us, and they have a lot of rice krispie treats to attract people over. Personally, I been helping myself with their clementines :). Pebble is near us too, and they have some pretty awesome swag/giveaways. I’m taking notes!
Two girls that have been working (I’ve been up for 36 hours (except for a 2 hour break…)) since i seen them, and apparently they’ve won hackathons multiple times. They’ve decided to use our SmartThings system this time around, so I’m excited to see what they have for us.