What is the recommended power supply for the new Smartthings station. The label on the hub reads “9 volts at 2.77 amps”. I am currently using an older 5 volt / 2.4 amp charger. The devices appears to be fine. Should I upgrade the power supply.? Does anyone know the rating of the portable charger that is available for the hub?
tagging @Automated_House
I’ll try and grab a pic of the fine print on the included power supply when I get home.
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Thanks. That would be helpful.
@Automated_House is the reason why I have one.
Official support says:
However, it should be compatible with any 15W charging adapter.
Great, thank you. I will try to order one, just to make sure.
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If all else fails, read the instructions. And it says if the top light is flashing yellow (well, kind of white), the unit is connected to an “unauthorized” wall charging. And, indeed, my unit was flashing yellow/white while connected to the old 5volt/2.5 amp charger. I now have the right Samsung 9 volt/2.77 amp charger, and no flashing light. So, it’s always good to read the instructions! Thanks for your help.