June 23, 2022, 10:54am
On the ST website, I’ve tried to change device type from “placeholder” to “Zigbee Metering Plug” but, as it didn’t have the “Device Network ID”, I wasn’t able to save it.
You can’t change the device type when it is paired with Placeholder as Type. Placeholder is used for Edge drivers or cloud-to-cloud integrations using the new architecture. Once the device is using an integration from the new architecture, changing it to a groovy device type may break the integration altogether
non-technical answer: the IDE is part of the old groovy based architecture. It will be going away and be replaced with something else. in the meantime, anything which is using the new architecture will be represented in the IDE with “placeholder“ under the device type column. This includes devices using an Edge Driver. Since new edge drivers are being added overtime, it may even be that a device which is the same model number as a device you previously added which used a groovy DTH is now using an Edge driver and so shows up as placeholder.
Don’t change it! Once the device is using an integration from the new architecture, you can no longer get to its code details through the IDE, And changing it to a different device type may break the integration altogether.
If you need to cha…