SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor: new info in iOS appli

What is the purpose of this information on the iOS application since the last hub update?

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It came with a DTH update, not hub update. It shows the raw readings from the three axis sensor used for vibration detection.


We already have the vibration information. This one brings what more? For my understanding, it’s like having 2 status for the same thing. We can have this info in the IDE but I don’t know why they add it in the application.

Why add it to the app? Maybe because IDE is going away (someday). Not sure how the new info is useful, but it may be to some.

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People use the XYZ readings to determine if an accelerometer (like the one included in the sensor) has moved position in space. That is, if the sensor itself has physically moved.

You might want this information for a tilt sensor, you might want it for a tamper alert, you might want it to determine how wide a door has opened. It just depends how you are using the sensor.

And if you’re willing to do the calculations, it can also be used to capture the speed of a moving object. :sunglasses:


For now, we cannot program anythings with this information in the application. It is useless. In the near future, we could surely say: if the value of xyz is at that, open a light or send me a notification. It will be useful then.

Thank you all for your informations. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well it’s certainly got my interest, even if just for curiosity about whether I managed to mount the sensor straight! :slight_smile:

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In this case, we would have to know if this information is precise. If I look at two different sensors mounted vertically on two doors, the measurements given are very different. I think that we use more the variation between two measurements to know the state of the thing. However, I can be wrong.

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