Smartthings Cam and Alexa

Hi Folks, just purchased a Smartthings Cam to try out. Works very well in the Smartthings environment with plenty of options and very clear picture. It a new version cam, Model RC8335PRO, SKU GP-U999COVLBDB purchased a week ago. My question is if anyone has experience with getting the cam to show up on an Echo (Alexa) Show. All my Smartthings work in the Alexa Environment but the cam shows up as a switch, strange. Since these are wifi cams I wonder if there isn’t a separate Alexa Skill for this. Or maybe i am missing something obvious. Or maybe they just don’t work with Alexa. Anyone care to educate me?



They don’t work

Try requesting here New SmartThings Alexa skill (2020)

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Done! Thanks Jimmy

Did you ever get this to work?