SmartThings app for Galaxy Watch gone?

Had to restore my Galaxy Watch for connecting to my S21 Ultra and now I cannot find the SmartThings app for the watch? Is it deleted?
Was it only compatible with the “classic” SmartThings android app?

Same thing here, but I’ve actually got Bixby to work to control my ST devices. It works better than expected. While the watch face is on, I just say Hi Bixby, and then say the same thing I would to Alexa to turn on/off a switch. Usually I just double press the home button to wake Bixby up.

I have it on my Watch 3 w/ S20, and I see it in the store when I search (USA)

No such luck for me, only the phone app shows up in the galaxy store
Can I download the apk for the watch and install it separately?

I just checked the Galaxy store. It’s there for me under My Apps → Watch. I’m on a Gear 2 using a Note 5 phone too. I didn’t redownload it yet because I do remember the sync’ing that took place every time I started ST on the watch. I’ll try it over the weekend to see if it has improved.

Still takes forever to sync…no improvement

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Well I got a little bored this AM, so I installed it. Pretty much useless for me.

It’s brutal to be honest. I have so many devices that my screen times out way before it finishes, and if I wait too long to wake it up, the stupid thing starts all over again


You are not the target user with max 10 devices…

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Yeah it takes way too long to start up. Why it keeps needing to sync is beyond me. Also, at some point, Bixby on the watch stops being able to control devices until you open the ST app on the watch and then it re-learns. Sad that there is such poor performance within the same ecosystem. Nothing Apple would ever tolerate of its developers and product managers, for sure.

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