By now, I am able to switch off my Philips TV and my two Windows PC. It had some problem understanding the HubAction class, but in the end I got it working. Mostly thanks to all kind of samples available here, and yes the hex stuff, the difference between SmartApps and SmartDevices took some time to understand.
Ofcourse the HUE stuff works, the Zigbee devices work, so all in all it is exactly as expected.
At one point SmartThings is not living up to my expectations, and that is around ethernet devices. It has all the hardware, and yet I am unable to find how to:
- send network pings - really usefull to detect if a device is on of off
- send UDP packets - really usefull to control my Onkyo and to send Wake On Lan packets.
So, SmarthThings, can you explain how to do this?
Or is there any example around that shows how it works?