I just bought a couple of smart baseboard thermostats (Stelpro Zwave). They are working fine, I can control them manually in the Smartthings classic apps. The problem starts when I am trying to program/ schedule temperature change.
So what is the best way to program a thermostat? The thermostats come with 2 modes (Heat and Eco). So I was thing that I should be able to program a standard schedule on the Heat Mode. (11pm low temperature, 6am high temperature, 8am low temperature…) I would like to override the schedule by putting the thermostat in ECO mode (Locally on the thermostat or in the app) if I am going away on weekend.
Am I looking at it correctly?
I tried many different smartapps:
Virtual thermostat
Keep me comfortable
Thermostat mode director
5-2 day thermostat
Honeywell thermostat director
Programmable thermostat
Thermostat manager
None of them seems to use the preset/mode Heat and Eco…
Need advice.