Smart Ceiling fan and Fireplace integration into smarthings

As always, the exact model will matter. A brand might have only one or two models which offer SmartThings integration.

Integration through Bond

Wingbo 80" fan


Big Aire Fans

Couldn’t find any brand with this name

Fanimation Slinger 72"

Couldn’t find this model. There is a fanimation slinger V2 72 inch fan, is that the one you meant? If so, there is an integration through bond.

Other newer fanimation fan models that work with their own Wi-Fi controller, FanSync, do offer a direct integration with smartthings.

Modern Forms is a brand that has a couple of dozen fans that have an official integration with SmartThings. You can find these specific models by opening the smartthings app, going to add a device, then choose “supported devices“ and then fans. You’ll see the list of all the fan models that have an official integration.

For example. Note that they specifically mention smartthings in the product description.

So, if you find one on that list, you wouldn’t need bond. Otherwise, it really is the easiest way to get smartthings integration for most brands.

In addition, you might find the following thread helpful. It has a good discussion of the different approaches:

Smartthings ready ceiling fans