Simplerulebuilder - now private

As a condition, sunrise/sunset would be really useful for me - one example: we have lights in rooms that have plenty of natural light when it’s sunny but I want to have ST turning the lights on upon arrival after dark.

Same here, offsets for me also. Trying to avoid the sunrise/sunset traffic. I don’t know if it’s helping but I like to believe it does :wink:

Any chance of adding Ubi support for voice notifications?

If you can ask UBI support to access to Ubi OAuth2 App you can generate Client and Secret IDs to run @jody.albritton smart app and device [quote=“jody.albritton, post:8, topic:7038”]
[/quote] This should get UBI data accessible in Smartthings as well as give you potential smart app access to UBI speech capabilities.

There is a Smartthings App, Big Talk, that can speak certain types of events now. I do know the speech command is different than Sono, but I hope if the speech capablitiy option is added to to the rules engine we could have the option of speech or push responses to events or actions.

I wonder if SmartThings has any intention of creating a standardized device capability around voice recognition. I don’t currently plan on adding support for capabilities that are not covered here:

It looks like speechRecognition was requested on the forum a little while back: Capability speechRecognition

@Jim any insight you can offer in terms of plans to support that capability? Is Ubi support on your radar?

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Speech Synthesis, capability.speechSynthesis, speak(string)
is also on the list of capabilities, that is what the UBI is using in Smartthings…

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Smart limits has one officially supported voice control device: the Samsung gear S watch. But it has its own officially released smartapp.

I have no idea how they fit it into the device layer, though. It may just look like a web service.

Does capability.speechSynthesis indicate that the device can ‘speak’? Or that the device can be spoken to? Or both?

Speech synthesis means the end device is capable of outputting speech.

Speech recognition would mean the end device is capable of receiving speech as input.

Standard device terms. For once. :smile:

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That is what I was thinking it would be… Real Ubi support should do both, right? I guess if Speech recognition isn’t available through SmartThings yet, I could just add support for capability.speechSynthesis for now.

That should get notifications via Ubi at least. (Assuming there is a device type for Ubi created somewhere, I haven’t actually looked)

The gear S smart watch does speech recognition, not speech synthesis, as its smartthings integration. You can say the name of a hello home phrase, and it will be executed.

Currently has Ubi is a custom device and a custom app that work together link it to Smartthings and it only has speech synthesis set. Also the Ubi’s Sound level measurement and air pressure are custom attributes in Smartthings, which has limitations over a true capability.
The Ubi itself can link to Smartthings device and through their web interface you can setup “lessons” speak to trigger lights and switches other triggers. That can be done though actions set on specifc Smartthinga devices or through http GET command.

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I have ubi and smart things already integrated. The rules engine would let me do some neat stuff for notifications and more. Like greet by presence arrival and door opening For a specific person. Like an amped up ifttt for ubi expressions.

The smart app Big Talk to handle the announcement part.

Just checked. It looks like big talker does only one condition not multiple. I want and if this and that then speak. Does big talker do that? If so please give me an example of how. I have a bunch of uses for multiple conditions 2 or 3 or more like rules engine does and speech announcement.

Trigger Wifes Iphone arrives
And these conditions are met
Time is between 5pm and 7pm
Front door is open

Do These things:
Ubi Say “Welcome home Lisa”


I basically have two uses for my 28 device SmartThings setup 1) Alarm System 2) Energy savings and convenience. For the alarm system the SUNSET/SUNRISE is irrelevant, but for the energy savings it is mandatory. Right now I have eight lights in my house - from kitchen lights to outside lights that all use SUNRISE/SUNSET or an offset from it as a condition for their action. I would love to replace my SmartApps with the Rules Engine, but until there is support for a localized SUNSET/SUNRISE condition it will be of very little use to me.


love the rule builder! sent you a pm, but figured i would post it here too in case anyone else was interested in this.

for the multi sensor, is there anyway to add acceleration to the trigger field? i would be happy to test this out if you dont have a multi sensor.
i used the smart app that was built for a septic tank pump and used it in my basement for my ejection pump to notify me if it hasnt turned on in more than 5 hours (the sensor is taped to the pipe and when the pump come on it sort of jolts the pipe for a second). it would be cool to add in more complexity to the rule.


mark, you can use a virtual button and have ST press the button with sunrise and release it on sunset. Then SimpleRulesBuilder will react to that.

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Thanks Avron. That is intriguing. I still don’t think it will allow me to do offsets from sunset and sunrise the way the ST app do but I’d like to give it a shot. Can you point me in the direction for more info on a virtual button?

Hi Mark,

Sorry for the delay, but here’s a spot you can start:

Good luck.

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