SHM or Home Mode Indicator lights

Hey Scott-

There are a couple of options here. I apparently got locked into my own thinking, and didn’t consider the off-the-shelf solution that you came up with. Forrest, trees, etc.

Anyhow, I finished my build on the hardware, showing that a Zigbee chip from a donor Cree bulb can be run off of batteries and used to control a LED indicator.

I’m using Rule Machine to drive the connection with SHM (God knows that this hasn’t been easy with how flakey SHM has been lately, but it seems to be calming down). I ran into a problem with my rules but that was due to my inexperience with Github, and not having the latest version.

With the latest version of bravenel’s masterpiece, you can directly link the status of SHM to drive the on/off of the indicator light. It takes a little work to figure out how the rule should be set up, but the documentation that has been put together around Rule Machine makes this doable.