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Special Event Lighting

Overview: Part of a special event lighting piston. This section is for the New Year.

Implementation: Uses @krlaframboise 's handler for playing MP3 files on the Aeotec Doorbell; standard ST Hue(Connect) for the Hue lights, Bloom in this case.

Feature(s): Track 28 is a MP3 soundbite of fireworks, while track 26 is a Chipmunks version of Auld Lang Syne (the Doorbell is limited to a max of ~20 secs. of play-time and this fit the bill, LOL).

Note(s): High WAF – the Chipmunk version of Auld Lang Syne was unexpected and she found it funny. Next event is 364 days away. I think I’ll add more lights for next year :smile: