Well unfortunately it looks like the instabilities have caused my family to give up and force me to get rid of everything. Here is what I have:
1 hub
1 presence sensor
1 ST motion sensor
1 Open/Close sensor
2 Multi-sensors
1 Aeon Labs siren Gen 5 plug-in
1 fibaro motion sensor
1 minimote
6 GE link A19 bulbs
1 BR30 GE Link Bulb
2 GE dimmer switches new version with neutral wire
If anyone is interested please send me a message.
Thanks guys. Maybe it will be better soon and they will let me try again.
Same here… But I am giving you an unwanted opinion… as a fellow buddy… Stick with it for some time… All the GE bulbs that you have can be used as a regular bulbs for now… I don’t think you will recover what you paid for… Things may get better. Just talking to you as a buddy.
You’re probably right Smart. I could probably just hook the GE bulbs to my Hue bridge and automate the lights that way. I just have to convince my family it is okay. Just bought a tap switch to see how it would work and they all like it. The wifey wants me to see what apple will offer as far as a platform because their stuff usually works pretty well. Unfortunately no word from them yet. I’ll see what I can talk them into. I really appreciate all of your help Smart. You seem to be a wealth of information.