Before moving to Matter I use to have pistons built where i am using Fibaro Universal Sensor with Contact/Motion/Temp Sensors with my two dryer exhausts where the piston would detect the sensor when it stayed above 80 degrees and if it dropped below 80 degrees for 15 minutes then the dryer was done and would send an alert that it was done. i attach the sensors to the Aluminum Foil Duct by just taping them around the vent exhaust dryer hoses. They of course stopped working a while ago. I have been going through and replacing batteries etc in my devices and I am no longer able to set up a routine in smarthings to make this work as it did when i had created pistons back in the day. Any help is greatly appreciated.
You have to keep track of the state of the dryer (or at least that the temp has gone above 80) so that when the dryer is on and the temp sensor drops below 80 for 15 mins, then send a notification.
I would create a virtual switch to represent the dryer state and then create two Routines:
If temp sensor >= 80
Then turn virtual switch on
Send notification 'Dryer on'
If virtual switch on (precondition)
Temp sensor < 80 for 15 mins
Then turn off virtual switch
Send notification 'Dryer done'
Thank you. Trying to understand how these virtual switches work in my mind. This is what I have created and unsure if correct.
Thank you so much. After testing these are working now for both dryers. Appreciate the help!
The virtual switch is intended to keep track of the state of when the temp is over 80 or “the dryer is on” much like you might use a variable in a programming language. The state of the virtual switch can then be used as a condition check for when the temp goes back below 80. The way you have the Routines written, the virtual switch is one of the trigger conditions and will not achieve the desired goal since the virtual switch is always on.
Take a look at these Routines for an example of what I described in my earlier post.
Now this makes sense. Thank you so much for your help. I greatly appreciate it.