Schlage Nexia Lock Remote Administration

I got my Smartthings kit the other day and the light controls work fine.  I would like to administer my Schlage Nexia Z-wave locks and so far all I can do is lock and unlock. I have a micasaverde veralite in another home that allows me to add and remove codes, get emails and texts when the doors are locked or unlocked.  I was really hoping for similar functionality from Smartthings.  Without a web interface, the functionality of the Smartthings hub seems a bit limited.  Has anyone built an app for z-wave locks that would enable me to remotely add or remove codes as well as get email or sms alerts when the lock is opened or closed?

I am really hoping that Smartthings will add some additional functionality that is currently available with the micasaverde unit.

I don’t know about adding or removing codes, but I’m pretty sure that setting up SMS alerts* when the lock is opened or closed would be straightforward.


You would need access to the beta IDE if you wanted to code this up now; e-mail support@smartthings with the e-mail address you use as your login to get that access (I say not because I have any power, but because that’s what they asked me for).  Or you could just poke around the documentation.  Or, probably you could wait for a bit and someone else will code up something like this, since I’m sure lots of people will want that functionality!


  • I read elsewhere that e-mail alerts aren’t yet supported, but should be on the way.

I’m +1 on being able to administer codes on my Schlage/Nexia deadbolt and to get alerts when codes are used. This functionality is the only reason I keep my crappy Nexia system around. (I got a year free with my house and don’t plan to renew)

I too am interested in that kind of functionality (pin codes), but I’m not sure how the UI they decided to go with could handle that kind of stuff. Perhaps that is why it is missing for now, they are looking for a elegant way to implement it.

+1 I was also expecting this functionality. Disappointed that it doesn’t offer this now but hopeful someone adds it soon. Especially since Micasaverde and Nexia support it.

Anyone have an update on remote administration of Schlage locks. Still looking to add and remove codes via an app as well as get text alerts when a specific code is used to open the door. This functionality is really important.

@brianf2 - This is currently in our product backlog, but unfortunately I don’t have an update for when it will be implemented and available in the platform.

@corys - As for UI/implementation, we’re currently working on meta-data driven UI for device preferences, similar to the way preferences are handled for SmartApps. I can’t say for sure yet if that is the way that we’ll implement this, but it could be the right place for PIN codes.

I’ll make a note to come back to this thread when this feature is available.


Add me to the list. I just ordered one and it should arrive tomorrow. Would love this feature! Thanks!

I’m using a Schlage BE469NX. I managed to connect it to the smartthings hub and I can control it OK. Seems like the hub isn’t able to see the correct status of the lock. Whatever I do, it keeps reporting that it’s locked. I don’t know if this is a result of the lock not yet being installed in the door or because of some miscommunications between smartthings and the lock. I’ll have it installed next week, I hope and post an update.

Eran - It’s my understanding that getting the status of the lock is not supported yet, nor is working with the PIN codes. I’m looking forward to these features myself to retire my crappy Nexia system for good.

The lock is compatible, it just doesn’t tell us much :stuck_out_tongue: so we ask it what its state is a lot. We’re working on a pretty significant update to our Z-Wave networks that will improve the state.

As far as the remote pin codes. We are able to do it, it has just taken back seat to the heavy z-wave improvements our z-wave developer has been working on.

I too am interested in the z-wave improvements, but wonder if there is any way the developer community could get better, more detailed information on the current implementation?

As has been reported previously, Smartthings doesn’t recognize any activity at the lock itself and the lock will only communicate with the hub in response to a lock/unlock command. It may be necessary to “associate” the lock with the hub.

In the example code, I don’t see a ZWave “associate” command going to the lock. Without that, I’m not sure that the lock will send unsolicited messages (alarms) to the controller. I could be wrong about that since ZWave doc is difficult to come by. However, by trolling through app notes for other locks I’ve seen mention of the command and the need to issue it. I’ve been trying to guess at want might be a way to send the Associate Command via the SmartThings API but have been unsuccessful.

Is there any chance we could get a bit more info on the lock classes? It’d make this go a lot faster. Just having the class definition would be a big plus.

Bill – you got it right; locks aren’t being associated with the hub. We’re adding automatic association soon which will make locks work better. One reason it hasn’t been added to the device handler is that in order to associate a device with the SmartThings hub, you need the Z-Wave node id of the hub, which we aren’t storing properly right now. Since this is usually 1, though, you could try

zwave.associationV1.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:[1]).format()

in a custom device type handler. I’m not sure if that will work, I haven’t had a chance to test it yet.

As for the access code management, it will be something like this:

zwave.usercodev1.UserCodeSet(userIdentifier:1, userIdStatus:1, user:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).format()

Duncan - Thanks for the info. I’ll keep trying.


Alas, no joy. Tried various combinations of AssociationSet, etc (clear text, w/security). No luck. It appears (to me) that nothing is being sent to the lock. Could be wrong about that but the speed with which things execute makes it look like a NOP compared to DoorOpReport, etc.

Thanks for your help. Guess I need to wait for additional info/releases.


I currently have this lock connected to my Vera system. My house is being remodeled and I’ve set up a pin code for the contractors that texts me when they come and go using the pin code. Is there an app for that now in Samrtthings?

Any update on this?

I want to buy this lock below but it doesn’t mention anything about being able to remotely add/delete code:

No, not fully featured. I have this lock and it rarely even shows the correct status.

Thanks. So would you not recommend getting it? I don’t necessarily need the status to be correct, but I would like to be able to lock and unlock remotely (though I guess if the status is incorrect, I won’t necessarily know if doing it remotely worked or not).

Also, I just looked at the link, and it says schlage-keypad-DEADBOLT-lock-with-lever-handle. Is this a deadbolt? I didn’t think so from the description.

I have the deadbolt and LOVE it. Mine shows me the status and is correct. I can also look at the log and see when it was manually opened/closed. I can also see what code was used to open it from the outside. One thing you might try doing is removing it from SmartThings and re-add it. I’ve heard that they made some changes to how it connects a few months back, I believe it was something about supporting different way to connect and receive updates from the lock.