Schlage Connect Z-Wave lock notifications

I’m coming over from the Wink side of home automation, so I’m new to Smartthings, but not too new the home automation, but these systems sure seem to work quite differently.

Anyway, I have a question about the Smart Lock Guest Access when used with a Schlage Connect Z-Wave deadbolt. I have multiple codes programed and all is working well. However, I get notifications when different codes are used…sometimes. Is there a way to control which codes issue notifications? I don’t need notification when our family uses our code, but it would be nice to get a notification when other codes are used, like the plumber or housekeeping. The notifications are inconsistent as well. I don’t get notified every time. Is there a rhyme or reason to these notifications?

Also, can anyone tell me if the Stelpro Z-Wave Plus KI STZW402WB+ thermostat is a repeater for the Schlage Connect Z-Wave locks? I know the Stelpro t-stat is z-wave plus, but I read that not all z-wave plus devices act as repeaters for the Schlage locks.

You can’t choose notifications with the SmartLocks app. It’s a basic app for lock programming.

For customization you’ll need a third party app. If you have access to rboy apps, you can check the very popular LUM app. You can control notifications for individual users, assign permanent user codes, scheduled user codes, burner codes, presence based users, actions to execute when codes are used to lock and unlock, set conditions for notifications and lots more. More details on the link below

This is because of the nature of the mesh. In short you’ll have to add a repeater between your lock and your hub. It’s explained in much more detail here:

That’s correctly, 99% of mains powered Z-Wave Plus devices (with the exception of bulbs) are repeaters. That’s also explained in detail in the link above which talks about repeaters. It doesn’t need to be specific to Z-Wave lock, a repeater basically buffers and repeats the messages for all devices. Battery powered devices not repeat (very very few exceptions to this rule).

Since this devices is powered by 120/240v and is a Z-Wave Plus certified device it should act as a repeater. (the thermostat specs says that all non battery powered devices should be repeaters, kinda round about way to say that this device should be a repeater)

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Thank you. I’ll look into the other app.
If the t-stats are repeaters for the lock, then I do have (3) z-wave plus devices between the hub and the lock. Light switch and two t-stats. I added the light switch becasue I didn’t think the t-stats were repeaters for this lock (thought I read that somewhere else), after previously reading the FAQ you posted.

But I get it, these things aren’t perfect and it’s as much an art as a science.

You can always write to the company support desk to confirm if they are repeaters. Sometime a rebooting the hub and doing a zwave repair also helps.

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